
3 years, 8 months ago


Name: Kyriakos “Kyr” Mansouri
Pronouns: he/him, zie/zir
Age: 15
Moral Alignment: neutral good
Allegiance: Protectors of Humanity
Unit: -

Code Name: Angelwing
Mancer Track: Dragon Ranger
Dance Arcana Style: Tachisme
Weapon: Dagger

Job: Student at Vybrance Academy
Education: Vybrance
Pledged To: WhiteDiamondRat

Gift: Claws of the Watcher
Description: Kyr can create constructs of white diamond and telekinetically control them. They must weigh less than or as much as him. Furthermore, since diamond is brittle, any thin or fragile constructs are likely to break if bent (so a sword made by this Gift would be ineffective). This Gift cannot create automatons; any complex machines will require a power source.
Five Key Personality Traits: impulsive, goofball, empathic, hot-tempered, optimistic
Personality: Kyr’s a bit of a class clown, and he’ll happily join in goofing off. He likes to tease and rag on his friends as much as he likes to be genuinely friendly with them- he’s more likely to put you in a headlock than in a hug.
Kyr feels others’ emotions strongly and tries to relate to them whenever he can. He also tries to look for the best in people and struggles to believe anyone is purely evil. This means he’s got a lot of patience, but when he’s pushed too far or can’t justify someone being mean, he explodes.
Kyr isn’t too sure of his place in the world yet, so he takes criticism and unfriendliness to heart, and will ask himself if he can change rather than changing others. He’ll hide it if his feelings are hurt badly.
Kyr isn’t afraid of much anything either. He fears neither god nor man. It’s either curiosity or idiocy. He fears social ostracization and rejection though. He’ll try to make amends if people don’t like him.

Kyr grew up in Advent City, Skeptral, raised by his two dads and his aunt. From as early as anyone could remember, Kyr was fascinated with animals.
During Kyr’s rebellious pre-teen phase, this turned into a fascination with monsters and daemons. Perhaps it was sparked by the lack of them in Skeptral. But his dads wanted to give him the widest scope of education they could, and Kyr wanted to travel and get a bit more hands-on experience with the world outside of Skeptral.
Kyr was sent to Vybrance in specific because of its relative fame, and he studied his ass off to get in.

Voice Claim:
Theme Song: P!ATD- High Hopes

  • The first time he had to fight a monster, he was more curious about it than frightened. He nearly got his arm bitten off.
  • He planned to return home to Skeptral once he graduated. Eventually he becomes interested in exploring outside of his homeland though.
  • Kyr’s family, by family legend, was descended from the Ozehiri worshippers that became the first mancers of the planet’s guardian. But ever since the planet Ozehiri turned white, patrons of that god all but vanished. Kyr is the first WhiteDiamondmancer since Ozehiri turned white.
  • He befriended Darren because they both had white hairs- a sign of BleachedRat reaching out for them. A week and three days after Darren turned out to be a Bleachedmancer and escaped, Kyr accepted White Diamond as his patron.