Thanks for this opportunity! Before I begin, I just want to say that I like to take my time when picking out characters’ names, especially if it’s integral to their story, so I’ll have “Iris” act as a placeholder name for now. 

So, I have this world where the lore of the main religion involves two fighting sides, the gods of the sky and the gods of the earth. Each sky god represents both an element of the sky and a certain aspect of the human psyche, and I’ve had this idea of a deity of weather/muse of love for a while, though I haven’t thought up a tangible design or personality yet. All I’ve had in my head thus far is hearts and/or clouds somewhere in the design, which is why I think Iris would be perfect for the roll. Subtle hints of hearts that manage to not clash with but rather enhance the outfit, bunny ears and tail that are adorable (which I would probably make more cloud-like in future drawings), and her shoes give me that “splashing in puddles with rain boots” vibe. My idea for the letterings on her stockings and sweater’s heart is that they’d shift constantly with different words and languages and penmanships, and would actually be the written words of letters and notes that mortals of the world have sent or given to the ones they care about (not just romantic love, but platonic and familial as well).

But away from her design for a bit. Personality-wise, Iris would be a bit of an air head, yet testing her patience is like walking on thin ice, and if something goes wrong, her temper rages quickly and unexpectedly like a tornado. She’s a sappy romantic who doesn’t shy away from drama. Budding romance? Major scandal? She’s always the first bystander to know, even if no one else does. Unlike most of the sky gods, Iris doesn’t mind a bit of rebellion against the mother of the cosmos now and then. She’s on friendly terms with a few deities on the other side of the war, simply due to her job as goddess of weather. She also is witness to all forbidden romance between the two sides. Most of the time she simply acts as a secret helper to the couples, stepping in every once in a while as a distraction to prevent them from getting caught, although rarely she does step in to consecrate unions (she only reveals herself when she knows the couple is serious about it). For the sky gods, blessing a marriage is usually an honor bestowed to the mother of the cosmos, but Iris has the authority to do so as well, and is much more lenient with “who”. Surprisingly, Iris has a really good memory, though she only uses it to recount all her favorite mortal couples and their romantic journeys, experiences, and struggles. Rarely does she focus on the adult side of things, since she understands that stuff’s private and doesn’t think it as interesting or emotionally investing as romance.

She's yours!! I really loved the idea of her being a weather goddess since that contrasts with her design, but the theme of love is so sweetly and interestingly woven in. I can't wait to see where you take her story <3

Ahh tysm! I’ll do my best to make her story as interesting as the mortal romances and drama she’s witnessed throughout millennia, haha!

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This gal would be named Bonnie Sylva and she's incredibly shy. She only really talks to online friends and loves to play games with other people. She's actually currently creating her own dating sim game based on the months of the year and she's having a great time doing so! She spends a lot of her time indoors, but really enjoys fall weather and loves to go to the park when it's nice outside! Thanks for the chance!