




☆ Spirituality and good vibes. ☆

"Shhh, hear the church bells? Pretty. "

Name Emery
Called Emm
Sexuality Asexual-Biromantic
Favorite Gemstone Diamond
Gender Female
Height 5'8
Worst Fear Large Spiders
Role Spirituality Department Head
Demeanor Calm & Collected
Vegetables (except corn)


Emery was born in Zenovia on the northeast coast of the continent, her parents running a small tea shoppe on the edge of the city. Her parents were fairly well-off, excited at the prospect of finally having an heir to take over the shoppe after their retirement; but worried that the loud and fast-paced life the city demanded would keep them away from their daughter, so they did everything they could to switch up their hours so they could properly take care of their newborn. During hectic hours, they would bring the young Emery into the shop with them, letting her waddle around and explore the premises while customers milled about. As Emery grew older, she was made aware of the hope that she would take over the shop in her parent's stead, and for a long while she was accepting of that future. She attended school a few blocks away, the crowded sidewalks always a hassle for the small girl- luckily for her, her father would accompany her by taxi, making sure she got there and back safely. For 12 years this was Emery's daily routine- wake up, go to school, come home and do her homework; and then take her place behind the counter to assist on cashing customers out with their new blends. Even after graduation, she continued to man the cash register at the tea shop, content with her steady and peaceful lifestyle- until one customer changed her entire perspective.

One morning, an older gentleman had entered the shop, and the two had struck up a conversation over an older type of tea. He had explained to her how the tea made him nostalgic, reminiscing about his time as a clergymen and having tea out in the monastery's garden. Emery was fascinated by the stories he told her, and after work that night she took to the internet to learn all about monastery life and spiritual experiences. She found immense joy in the wonderous art forms of each religious time period, and all of the amazing sculptures and spiritual practices that were scattered across the world. The next morning, she voiced to her parents that she would like to attend college as a Religious Studies major- and her parents welcomed the idea with hesitant, but supportive arms. They paid for her plane ticket to Firefly Valley, where the blossoming Acadia University would house Emery for the next four years. Emery's love for religious studies only grew during her time at the university, the campus chapel quickly becoming her favorite place to decompress, as well as study for her upcoming exams. Her professors were elated at her passion for the subject, and loved to sit in their office and talk with her for hours about religious architecture. She loved her major so much, that she took an extra few years to earn her doctorate in Religious Studies- in which after earning said doctorate she was offered a job as the new head of the Spiritualty Department on campus. She accepted the position happily, and at present still acts as the Head of the department. Emery can usually be found sipping chamomile in the chapel on campus, taking notes during sermons or just sitting in the pews and enjoying the colors filtering through the stained glass windows and the sound of the organist as he practices. Though, when she is off campus, she finds herself enjoying the beautiful and artistic atmosphere of her new home in Alvarna.




Emery's favorite tea is chamomile.

Emery dislikes a lot of vegetables, but enjoys corn a lot.

While not being quite religious herself, she had always found an interest in the divine and made it her life's work.

Emery always wears her hair in a messy bun.

She enjoys mediating during thunderstorms.





Cinna will sometimes walk campus after work with her friend, Phoenix, who wors as a teacher on campus. One day as they were walking, they had run into Emery, who Phoenix introduced to the young clinician. The two hit it off wonderfully, and now and then the two with get together to have tea in the chapel and enjoy the peacful atmosphere.



Good Friend

Working at Acadia University, the two of them were just destined to meet at some point! While watching a student's research presentation, Emery has stopped in to listen and enjoy the conversation surrounding the topic. Phoenix, impressed witht he lady's well-rounded intellect, invited her to sit with her during lunch break, and the two have been the greatest of friends ever since.




Navi is a friend of Emery's from her younger years, the cheery lady moving to the valley just years prior to Emery's arrival. Navi was the first to show Emery around the valley, much to Emery's relief. The two of them will browse religious texts and art when together, and talk about the things they like about each piece. When off of work, the two will get together once in a while to do crossword puzzles and play fun games.