


3 years, 8 months ago



THE ????





11 Moons






For mottled silver coat


Traditional apprentice suffix










Neutral Good



“Float on To the painted sky, Where dreams will be unified.”

— "Where Buterflies Never die" by Broken Iris


Blizzardpaw is a young apprentice of Streamclan who has only just begun her apprenticeship. As a resident of the clan for four moons, her injuries have finally healed enough for her to do strenuous activity without agitating them. She's already showing signs to be a hardworker, and is extremely thankful to the clan that saved her life.


Brave - Fair - Persevering

Trusting - Loyal - Genuine

Desperate - Selfless - Submissive

Blizzardpaw is not a cat that many have bad things to say about. At least if you aren't counting her origins as a rogue. Those who do look past her origins often find an honest and hardworking apprentice. One that doesn't give up easily and is willing to fight impossible odds for what she believes in. Because Blizzardpaw is a cat who has already been on death's doorstep once before, and now she knows what's ahead of her should something go wrong. She's someone who lets cat prove themselves through their own actions before taking whatever is said about them at face value. Many would describe her nature as forgiving, though Blizzardpaw would prefer open.

Truthfully though, one could just describe Blizzardpaw as naive. She takes the words of those around her at their value, never considering what may be lurking underneath. At the very least, cats may know that Blizzardpaw herself doesn't have any other intentions other than to do her best. That her willingness to give her all is her genuine attitude. Unfortunately this all is sometimes more than she can give, not that it stops her from trying. And her blind willingness to what the clan asks of her can lead her down the wrong path. Most can piece together that Blizzardpaw herself is a cat who values peace, and not one that is particularly fond of conflict of any kind.

Because Blizzardpaw's greatest conflicts are within herself. She's so willing to do anything for the clan because she feels she isn't good enough, and that she's taken more than she's given. The clan saved her life, and she's so focused on dedicating hers in return that she loses sight of everything else. Including her own health, and her own happiness. The sense of personal fufillment means nothing to Blizzardpaw if the clan is not feeling it with her. Unfortunately.. this means she never really feels it. Not that Blizzardpaw would say anything, or hold it against anyone. She lets bygones be bygones, even if she shouldn't. In the end, this means that when in an altercation Blizzardpaw is always the first to fold. Even if it's a fight she can win- she often opts not to.


Blizzardpaw has a lingering fear of hawks- depsite her attempts to squash it. Hearing the flapping of birds wings is something that always manages to snap her concentration.

Blizzardpaw feels she owes her life to the clan that saved her. Ultimately, her loyalty is to Streamclan- but not to any particular cat within it. She feels her life has no meaning otherwise, and she'll always do what she thinks is most helpful.

For the most part, Blizzardpaw does not remember her life before the clan. All of it is hazy, and she doesn't tend to linger on it for long. Even her name is one she received after joining the clan. If she had one before... She's never mentioned it.


Before the Clan [0-8 Moons]

Not that much is known about Blizzardpaw's earliest life. Nothing of where she came from, who her parents were, or if she had a family at all. Nothing except for how she arrived in Streamclan- a bloody mess dropped from the skies. Her survival was uncertain, but it was against the code to abandon a kit in need. And so, the kitten who would soon be known as Blizzardkit was brought back to the clan.

With inspection, it was clear that the kittens injuries had come from a hawk attack. How she'd gotten out of it's grip was a mystery, and how she lived to tell the tale was a miracle. Well. Almost. Because Blizzardkit couldn't tell the tale. She couldn't remember it. Without even a name, she spent her earliest days in the medicine den. Curled up and fearful, not sure if she'd ever truly recover from her wounds. With Weaselwing as her only constant companion, the kitten sought to learn the ways of the clan- and of Starclan. Becoming thankful to them for sparing her life, she decides she must repay the debt at any cost.

And so her days in the medicine den were decided. Though by the time her (assumed to be) 6th moon came, it was clear she was not ready for apprenticeship. While the wounds were healing, she still couldn't do much without agitating them. Instead, it was decided for her to wait. Not something she was very happy about- since it meant it would be longer until she could be useful to the clan that saved her. But still, Blizzardkit didn't want to upset Weaselwing. So she listened.

Book 1: THE BEAST [8-11 Moons]

By the time Blizzardkit became Blizzardpaw, she'd already spent half of her life in the clan. Four moons it had taken for her to heal, and the scars are still very prominent. The pain still lingers sometimes, but Blizzardpaw presses forward.

It was crazy how quickly it all unraveled. The beast- the loss. She thought the clan would have everything covered that they could do anything they put their minds to- but... It was strikingly clear they didn't. With so little training under her belt, Blizzardpaw did little more than watch.. When the plan was put together she resolved to do her part.

And her part was luring the beast to lightgazer's peak. To bring it to the clan. She felt assured with her mentor beside her... She should have realized she was too foolish. She wasn't a skilled warrior- just an apprentice trying to fake it. She ruined it- she ruined the plan. One stray rock was all it took to put everyone in danger. Even as they ran with all they had to Lightgazer's peak they barely made it- and Blizzardpaw was never going to forgive herself for what happened to Poppypelt either. If it wasn't for her... The plan would have worked just fine.

That said, Blizzardpaw was not entirely present for the battle. There, but not fully present. She did her best- as good as she could do. She knew it wasn't enough.

She was happy for Snowblaze- that she got her name. Even as everything fell to pieces- when Mother Mothstar and Wolfstar fight. She feels bad for Sootsoul the most. Caught in the middle. Everyone's dissapproval of him... She thinks he'd do great. He was so calm when she ruined it all- she knew she trusted his judgement no matter what.

Book 2: THE TWOLEGPLACE [11-? Moons]

The Rain hadn't stopped. She'd gone from having never seen it before to having seen to much of it. But still, it was finally over wasn't it? Everything would go back to normal. Until it wouldn't. Littlecrow coming back to camp upset and Kindlingrunner gone... They went to go look for clues and Blizzardpaw knew she'd only get in the way.

But when it came to go to twoleg place... She really wanted to help. Wanted to be able to do something. So she went too- promising herself that she wouldn't mess anything up this time.


HP 32/32

FP 9














+2 FP when gaining, Current FP/3 when losing



Basic Slash

+2 Modifier

Tag Team

Roll 1d10+ATK with a partner, add into a 1d50 for total damage









Wheel of Fortune

The Blessed

Page of Swords

Basic Stance

Shaky Brace

Golden Shield


Blood of the Beast

Revival Item

Starry Leaf

Temporary Spirituality boost

Spotted Mushroom

Temporary Mentality boost

Life Root

Temporary Physicality Boost


A large silver and white tabby with distinctive white spotting

Has scars on her sides from a hawk attack while young. There are six visible marks on her left side, but only two on her right. Despite the time, the injury still bothers her. When it gets cold she sometimes develops a bit of a limp.

Her white spotting tends to swirl with her stripes, giving the appearance of a "white out" sort of storm.



Poppypelt is Blizzardpaw's mentor, and the cat Blizzardpaw wishes to impress the most. Their relationship is strained despite this, awkward. Blizzardpaw has a hard time talking to Poppypelt without making a fool of herself- and feels that she'll never be good enough to earn her mentor's praise. Despite this, Blizzardpaw tries her hardest anyways.


Name Surname


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin, mi non faucibus placerat, metus odio hendrerit tortor, quis facilisis sem eros eget mauris. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis egestas dui non lacinia varius. Morbi ullamcorper velit urna, vehicula bibendum dolor dapibus quis. Mauris eget justo ac ligula malesuada volutpat nec vel odio. Aenean sed vestibulum elit. Curabitur interdum pretium urna, quis elementum elit malesuada ut. Sed eget diam id leo egestas mattis. Sed tincidunt sed sapien et cursus. Donec et ornare sem. Curabitur rutrum venenatis justo, eu placerat nisi volutpat ut. Suspendisse pharetra urna ac accumsan mollis. Pellentesque consequat felis eget tortor bibendum ornare. Nunc condimentum ligula at vestibulum finibus.

Cras iaculis sem sed leo cursus, vel consequat urna commodo. Sed lorem sem, tristique ut viverra et, venenatis at purus. Donec vestibulum ligula ac sem mollis, sit amet suscipit arcu ullamcorper. Vestibulum egestas accumsan lectus, viverra viverra enim hendrerit at. Vivamus tristique quis eros quis ultricies. Ut in dui eget ante tempus mattis. Cras quis elementum dolor.


Name Surname


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin, mi non faucibus placerat, metus odio hendrerit tortor, quis facilisis sem eros eget mauris. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis egestas dui non lacinia varius. Morbi ullamcorper velit urna, vehicula bibendum dolor dapibus quis. Mauris eget justo ac ligula malesuada volutpat nec vel odio. Aenean sed vestibulum elit. Curabitur interdum pretium urna, quis elementum elit malesuada ut. Sed eget diam id leo egestas mattis. Sed tincidunt sed sapien et cursus. Donec et ornare sem. Curabitur rutrum venenatis justo, eu placerat nisi volutpat ut. Suspendisse pharetra urna ac accumsan mollis. Pellentesque consequat felis eget tortor bibendum ornare. Nunc condimentum ligula at vestibulum finibus.

Cras iaculis sem sed leo cursus, vel consequat urna commodo. Sed lorem sem, tristique ut viverra et, venenatis at purus. Donec vestibulum ligula ac sem mollis, sit amet suscipit arcu ullamcorper. Vestibulum egestas accumsan lectus, viverra viverra enim hendrerit at. Vivamus tristique quis eros quis ultricies. Ut in dui eget ante tempus mattis. Cras quis elementum dolor.


Name Surname


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin, mi non faucibus placerat, metus odio hendrerit tortor, quis facilisis sem eros eget mauris. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis egestas dui non lacinia varius. Morbi ullamcorper velit urna, vehicula bibendum dolor dapibus quis. Mauris eget justo ac ligula malesuada volutpat nec vel odio. Aenean sed vestibulum elit. Curabitur interdum pretium urna, quis elementum elit malesuada ut. Sed eget diam id leo egestas mattis. Sed tincidunt sed sapien et cursus. Donec et ornare sem. Curabitur rutrum venenatis justo, eu placerat nisi volutpat ut. Suspendisse pharetra urna ac accumsan mollis. Pellentesque consequat felis eget tortor bibendum ornare. Nunc condimentum ligula at vestibulum finibus.

Cras iaculis sem sed leo cursus, vel consequat urna commodo. Sed lorem sem, tristique ut viverra et, venenatis at purus. Donec vestibulum ligula ac sem mollis, sit amet suscipit arcu ullamcorper. Vestibulum egestas accumsan lectus, viverra viverra enim hendrerit at. Vivamus tristique quis eros quis ultricies. Ut in dui eget ante tempus mattis. Cras quis elementum dolor.


Name Surname


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin, mi non faucibus placerat, metus odio hendrerit tortor, quis facilisis sem eros eget mauris. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis egestas dui non lacinia varius. Morbi ullamcorper velit urna, vehicula bibendum dolor dapibus quis. Mauris eget justo ac ligula malesuada volutpat nec vel odio. Aenean sed vestibulum elit. Curabitur interdum pretium urna, quis elementum elit malesuada ut. Sed eget diam id leo egestas mattis. Sed tincidunt sed sapien et cursus. Donec et ornare sem. Curabitur rutrum venenatis justo, eu placerat nisi volutpat ut. Suspendisse pharetra urna ac accumsan mollis. Pellentesque consequat felis eget tortor bibendum ornare. Nunc condimentum ligula at vestibulum finibus.

Cras iaculis sem sed leo cursus, vel consequat urna commodo. Sed lorem sem, tristique ut viverra et, venenatis at purus. Donec vestibulum ligula ac sem mollis, sit amet suscipit arcu ullamcorper. Vestibulum egestas accumsan lectus, viverra viverra enim hendrerit at. Vivamus tristique quis eros quis ultricies. Ut in dui eget ante tempus mattis. Cras quis elementum dolor.


Name Surname


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sollicitudin, mi non faucibus placerat, metus odio hendrerit tortor, quis facilisis sem eros eget mauris. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis egestas dui non lacinia varius. Morbi ullamcorper velit urna, vehicula bibendum dolor dapibus quis. Mauris eget justo ac ligula malesuada volutpat nec vel odio. Aenean sed vestibulum elit. Curabitur interdum pretium urna, quis elementum elit malesuada ut. Sed eget diam id leo egestas mattis. Sed tincidunt sed sapien et cursus. Donec et ornare sem. Curabitur rutrum venenatis justo, eu placerat nisi volutpat ut. Suspendisse pharetra urna ac accumsan mollis. Pellentesque consequat felis eget tortor bibendum ornare. Nunc condimentum ligula at vestibulum finibus.

Cras iaculis sem sed leo cursus, vel consequat urna commodo. Sed lorem sem, tristique ut viverra et, venenatis at purus. Donec vestibulum ligula ac sem mollis, sit amet suscipit arcu ullamcorper. Vestibulum egestas accumsan lectus, viverra viverra enim hendrerit at. Vivamus tristique quis eros quis ultricies. Ut in dui eget ante tempus mattis. Cras quis elementum dolor.
