Nee'Yah Sharaj (Personality)



Harpy's tend to be cut from a similar cloth and Nee'Yah is no exception. Avoidant, skittish, and rarely getting into fights over pointless things that might end badly for them for a prize that isn't worth it. Nee'Yah proves to be a lot like the rest of her kin. More the lingering scavenger than the predator chasing down prey. The harpy tends to keep herself at a distance from those who enter her domain, observing from a distance what they travelers and adventures might do with the intent on not being remotely seen. Rarely will she confront anything that enters her domain unless either it ventures so far as to find her nest or unless she has an advantage against these would be invaders. Advantages that are much easier to find in one-on-one engagements rather than the roving bands she often sees moving through her mountains. However, unless circumstances are truly in her favor for a fight. A wanderer that finds their way into her nest are more often than not met with a lot of hissing and bluster.  Someone is more likely to meet with angry desperate screeches and a harpy doing her damnedest to look big and intimidating than they might deal with gnashing teeth or talons tearing into them. That is unless a person has some sort of bauble that they are willing to part with. Something shiny that, much like the rest of her kind, Nee'Yah can not ignore the allure of. While she might not know what the purpose of something like a fancy necklace or some cutlery might be used for unless she has actively observed them in use? Some things are just hardwired into that brain of hers and there is nothing quite like the twinkle of something shiny and gold or silver to spruce up her nest or colorful to mark her territory to any others of her kind that might claim ownership.