Tracie Mindon



3 years, 9 months ago


Name: Tracie Mindon

Gender: Cis Female She/Her

Age: 16

Sexuality: Bi

Species: Human  

Nationality: Californian

Birthplace: Mandas

Personality: Tracie loves to be bold and the center of attention. She really doesnt know how to act when she's not in the Center of attention. She likes Control of situations and can often feel uncomfortable when things don't go to her plan. But she's pretty good at hiding her feelings.

Occupation: High Schooler, Wanna be fashion designer.

Biography: Tracie is the daughter Of August and  Scissors Mindon, She has a younger brother named Paper. Her Dad August is a high ranking member of the T.H.E. While Scissors Mindon is a fairly famous model. Because of this Traice is mostly on her own, Spending more time with her nanny then parents.

Tracie was born in Mandas, had move to Dexa and now lives in California, moving there at age 11. She's quite well known at her High school as her mom is a well known model. She now as a quite big friend group and spends most her free time hanging out at malls and going and hosting parties with her friends. 

Tracie and her friends uses to be quite a group of bullies to the outcastes of East West High School. Mostly bulling those who Spent there time studying or seen as religious minorities. But because she shared a class with one of these Outcast and really got to know one of them (Frankie) She's been trying to learn how to be more understanding to those not like her and accepting the parts of her self she normally hides. 

 She now even dates Frankie who she once bullied.


Scissors (Mom): Tracie thinks its so cool that her mom is a famous model, And has a hard time not to talk about it all the time. All tho she dosent love that Scissors push Tracie to become a model. When Tracie's dream is to become a fashion designer. Tracie dose wish that Scissors showed more care and interest in her personal life. 

August (Dad): Tracie thinks that her dad is uncool, and not hip with the times. He has no fashion sense, the music he likes is dumb, and he watches too many foreign languages movies. She could go all day about what is uncool about her dad. But at the end of the day she loves her dad. 

Paper (Younger Brother): Tracie dose not like talking about her younger bother. she often waits months before telling her friends about her disabled brother. She feels bad about it, but is low key worried that friends would of left her if they knew about him. When alone tho, the two siblings enjoy playing video games together. Tracie believes one day that Paper will come a famous gamer or even video game dev. 

Mia (Nanny): Tracie feels closer to her nanny then either of her parents, she knows that Mia is there mainly to help take care of Paper. But cant help but feel close to Mia. They often talk and spend time together like a mother and daughter would.

Susanna (Friend): Susanna was the first friend she made when she moved to L.A. they are super close and have been hanging out for years. The two freely goes to the others home with out being invited with no surprise from the other family. The two share a lot in common when it comes to music taste and fav tv shows, they also have the same type of humor 

Blonka (Friend): Tracie met Blonka when she was 13 in a sewing club. Blonka has gotten Tracie to even try drama club witch the two enjoy. And if it wasnt for Blonka tracie would never want to study. And if it wasnt for Tracie... Blonka would be find but have one less good friend. 

CaBe (Friend): CaBe is the newest friend in the friend group, only meeting CaBe when she was 14. The two of them have a fun laid back friendship. They love to dress up together and try to styles. The two can talk for hours but anything and everything

Frankie (Girlfriend): Tracie used to bully Frankie and her friends a lot. Mainly because some of the people Tracie used to hang out with pressured her into bullying her. It wasn't till the two shared a history class, they often had to work on projects together. Next thing she knew they started to hang out with out don't any homework. What really made Tracie see Frankie as a friend was when Frankie stood up for her when Tracie was the one getting bullied. After a while of being friends Tracie asked Frankie to go on a date and that's how it started.

Trivia/Fun Facts: