Basic Info

Prize Crop:

Devil's Lettuce ;)


Driven to succeed, Loves nature and field work, Can be a smart-ass, Distinguished which is how he gets away with his mischievous side pranks and stuff,

Fashion Style:

Dark Academia, Prep School type,

Top Three Arcana:

The Hierophant, The Chariot, The Devil

Important Design Features:

Grey Eyes, Fiery autumn hair,


The environmental bio major who pours more time into his internships and field work extra credit assignments than he does any other hobby of his. Which isn't to say he can't party with the best of them (He's best friends with a hockey frat for a reason) but he's certainly the most distinguished and the least rowdy of the house. Hollis lives with the Aarons; Pazer, Wrecker, Schulzy, Monet, and Venti; though he's closest with Pazer and Wrecker. Holly will sometimes sneak off with Wrecker when they get a moment of quiet, a friends with benefits and feelings they're both too dense and too busy to address. 

Despite numerous attempts to recruit him as the team manager, Holly insists he's too busy to take on that responsibility. Besides, he's terrified of Emily "Echo" Ebner, the current manager. She's also a biology major, and thankfully Holly took remedial math his freshman year so he's not in the same classes as her. There's just something about her hawk-eyed glare that sends Holly running for the hills.

Strengths: Smart, Considerate, Leadership qualities, Professional,
Weaknesses: Avoidant, Tsundere,  
His Garden: Grass, Pong Table, a secret marijuana plant in his window (for scientific purposes, of course)
His Neighbors: RIGHT: Rod "Braggster" Bragg who would have gone pro if not for the injury, and his son Scott "Walker" Bragg who plays hockey Defense just like his old man. Rod likes to hang with the Aarons probably to relive his prime, which the bros never remark on but it's definitely the elephant in the room. The boys don't mind playing shinny with Scott though. A bro always helps a bro. LEFT: Sawyer "Sarge" Gentzler, the cool farmer girl whose always willing to help out the boys with things like taxes, recipes, grocery shopping (A bro never says no to a free Zucchini, and a gardener with too much zucchini never turns down a bottomless pit of zucchini hunger) and hang-over remedies. ACROSS: Juniper "Shiny" Sheinberg, the single mum of two pre-school kids, River and Laurel. She's way into like, chakras and astral projection and crystals and stuff. It would be fine, rad even, if she wasn't so generous as to share her home made teas with the rest of the street. She homeschools her kids, which means sometimes the teas they get (against their will) are made by a 4 year old...
Aesthetics: Vampires, Modern Day, Suburbs, Frat House, Neighborhood life, College life, Biology Coursework,
Playlist: Why'd You Only Call Me When You're High? - Arctic Monkeys