Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:


DISCLAIMER: If you have any common or uncommon triggers, please be aware that my profile has many characters that may or may not have those kinds of content. If you prefer to steer clear at all costs despite the warnings, then I'd suggest you to either be wary or not interact at all for your own safety.
Common triggers such as blood, insects/spiders, and bright colors may be tagged, but some may be more obscure (just note I have a lot of characters who murder or are involved in battle-like conflict, and also one character's story involves cannibalism. I do not condone any of these actions in real life.)

None of the characters on this account are up for sale/trade unless explictly stated.


These warnings are the ones that appear the most often on my profile, if not, most of my character's stories. They usually come as a combination (primarily death+violence/murder and abuse+neglect).
Icons shown are by BIRD, PepperzCodes, and Donut-Toast
Alcohol Use
(Lots of swearing)
Child Abuse
Animal Abuse
(Child) Neglect
Fresh Scars
Dark Humor
(In general)
Illness and/or
(A lot of fire.)

If you're the type to say "I don't care about your long ass DNIs", the you don't have to read any further than this. Just be aware, however, that if you end up overstepping a boundary of mine, DNI or not, then you're going to be blocked. You can DM me for specifics, but you can't really expect me to just unblock you. Remember, DNIs go both ways, so if I'm on your DNI and you're still interacting with me, I'm not obligated to give you a reasoning if I end up blocking you.

Greetings! Before you start interacting with me and my content, please be aware that I have guidelines that you must follow. Of course, if you're unaware, my DNIs and Blacklist are applied to any of my free to use resources as well, so I request that you make sure to read those sections specifically when using my codes or bases.As a side note, I am also a minor, therefore there will be certain things I will highly discourage for said reason.A lot of my characters (somehow) end up becoming outlets for me to vent in one way or another, so either some of them are legit for "shits n' giggles" or I somehow make them have a horrific backstory to cope, yes there are in betweens.


  • Basic DNI criteria (pedophile, M.A.P., shota/lolicon, necrophile, zoophile, racist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, mysogynistic, etc.)
  • Supporter of rape/rapesexual
  • Transmedicalist
  • Romantacize (C)SA, death, self-harm, murder, etc.
  • Proshipper/"Anti-anti"/Comshipper/etc.
  • Against neopronouns
  • Political extremist (Primarily I just don't want politics be brought to my page, so you're technically on thin ice)
  • Anti-abortion, extremely religious, extreme conservative (again, thin ice, I really just don't want people to shove their beliefs in my face and down my throat. Abortion and pregnancy in general is a really sensitive topic because I'm AFAB and I also have personal trauma regarding a late family member. If you're conservative, cool, just don't be like people who're actively trying to "convert" others.)
  • Not DNI just a 'be wary' since I mentioned Anti-abortion. I don't mind if you're pro-life, I just think of the proceess a bit differently than most but I may align more with 'pro-choice' in this scenario.
  • Anti-Palestine/Ukraine (I don't mind if you support Isreal or Russia for personal reasons, but I also have my own personal beliefs on these conflicts in which would not align with yours.)
  • Fetishizes lgbtq+, unhealthy coping mechanisms, death, etc.
  • Shit on people for being 'neutral'/not proactive. Wtf am I supposed to do? Give away my savings for a cause that, although I care about, can't really do much about? I don't need to be constantly talking about a cause or donating money to support it
  • System discoursers. I legit don't care where your alters/headmates came from, as long as you're (aka whoever's reading this) a decent person, I don't mind interacting with anyone. If you're against my stances you can contact me in provate for further discussion<./li>
  • "DNI if you read yuri/yaoi" (Not much I can explain, if you don't like what I enjoy reading mainly just yuri/GL then don't interact with me either. If interaction is simply not prefered and not DNI then you do you, this only applies to people who go out of their way to list it as a hard DNI.)

What you CAN do

  • Draw gift art (You don't have to ask! But I do have the right to reject it being added to my character if it either doesn't incorporate important/non-optional details of the character or is part of the "Can't Do" list.)
  • Ask about something if you're confused
    (I have a few things that are either closed from the public because they're incomplete or they're someone else's creation [Ex: species, roleplay, etc.])
  • Ask to roleplay
    (Just note that I'm a bit rusty)
  • Use my art (with given permission or gifted/traded/commissioned to you) for anything you'd like besides commercial purposes, and with credit.
  • Ask to link characters
  • Write stories with my characters
    (I just request to be able to look over the contents, I'd prefer that they'd not be written out of character unless I'm given a proper justification.)

What you CAN'T do

  • Interacting if you're either blacklisted or part of the DNI. This includes my free to use codes and resources.
    If you have a design/character from me, I'd rather not go through the hassle that is "fighting over ownership", if you've recieved it for payment, you're more than welcome to keep them.
  • Favoriting my characters as dreamies while they're under my ownership
    (Sorry, as previously mentioned, I don't plan on selling/trading any of my characters, I do not mind if you've previously favorited them under another person's ownership, however)
  • Kin my characters unless given explicit permission to do so. (sorry, it's more of a comfort thing. If you're given permission to kin a character, you still may not create a kinsona. Also don't try to act like you are them in front of me, I have a lot of two-faced characters and I don't want them to be misrepresented, especially to my face. Don't act like you own them either, just common sense, so don't try doing stuff to my characters that I may not like. If you're a system, just don't have that alter/headmate interact with me or argue with me over character details, thank you.)
  • Drawing/writing NSFW of my characters
    (Let me reiterate, I am a minor. I can allow borderline suggestive but that's only for characters who are adults, and even then I would prefer that you not do that.)
  • Directly colorpick/take design aspects from my characters
    (I don't mind inspiration, nor do I mind if we happened to come up with the same idea, but if a design is eerily similar to any of my characters I will get suspicious; if they're made with a color palette then idrc if you colorpick from them since, yk, they're made from a color palette, again, just don't take the exact same design aspects as previously mentioned)
  • Stealing my characters for commercial use or even just to use/sell/trade them. They're not yours.


Please do not distribute, buy for, or sell any of my OCs/designs to these people. If I have used any of their bases in the past, I would like to kindly ask to not criticize me for hypocrisy, as those fills have been done before I became aware of their drama.

  • Tenso/tensothepookie (tried to take back designs they already gave away)
  • Sorell01 (had a lot of drama during their time as the owner of Sleet's/Navi's/Allure's Bases server owner)
  • Crystallized0Chaos/Navi/Lost0Navi/LostNavi (apparently misusing their authority during their time as the owner of Navi's/Allure's Bases server)
  • xTheDragonRebornx
  • OliveCow (Drew feral NSFW, suggestive art of a minor, and incest.)
  • Art1m3s (Personal)
  • SourBl00m (Personal, block for block.)


I personally don't mind interacting with these people if I have to, but I will most likely still feel uncomfortable while doing so. They're allowed to own my designs if they didn't make me hella uncomfortable.

  • Miles (still a bit iffy when interacting, I don't mind him having poleki designs from me and vice versa since we're both somewhat involved with the species, just no other designs atm.)
  • Netherite/Claydoh/Claydough (got someone banned from TOP for reaching out about a concern for thier support of Dream from DSMP, personally prefer to not use their bases due to this misuse of power from being friends w/ a TOP admin. Reflected upon his mistake but still iffy.)

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