


3 years, 11 months ago


Name: Kaijuriko (Kaiju)
"God of Power"
"Lord Kaiju"
"Warlord Kaijuriko"

Species: Plasmitherium (closed species)

Allegiance: Red (founder)

Gender: Non-binary, "they/them" pronouns and sometimes "he/him."

Partner: Formerly Erebus

Abilities: Teleportation, hyper-speed, breathe hot gas, can send electrical currents via their plasma parts (their electrical sparks appear red).

Personality: Kaiju is often described as sadistic, power hungry, and blood thirsty- or at least whenever he wears his crown. Nobody can really tell what Kaiju is thinking about and reading them is difficult. Overall, Kaiju doesn't hesitate to eliminate any of their targets, but that doesn't mean they're always heartless and insane. Most of their decisions and actions are to benefit and strengthen their empire, but some have also been personal and secret. Without the crown, Kaiju can be sensitive, soft, caring, selfless, and creative. But whenever he wears the crown, he loses that side of himself and thinks only of expanding his kingdom and obtaining more power and recognition.

Background: Kaiju was born on planet Xeskus and he was also the runt of his family. He had six siblings, four brothers and two sisters. He was born from a prideful war family, both his parents participated in the war as warriors. Kaiju wanted to be like them, strong and prideful. His siblings did too, but upon learning that Kaiju desired to be in the war, his siblings made fun of him and abused him as they grew older without Kaiju's father and mother knowing. When he became an adolescent, he confronted his parents and told them that he wanted to join the war. His parents laughed, but upon seeing his hurt expression, they explained to him that he's too small and weak to be apart of the war. He'd die almost instantly. This being the last straw, Kaiju ran from his home, Xeskus. He was too hurt to face his family again and be tormented by his siblings even more. Kaiju flew in hyper-speed before coming across a quiet dead-looking planet. He decided to stay here, but after awhile, he was approached to by a stranger. It appeared to be a plasmic, but it also wasn't, he wasn't sure what it was. Its voice was feminine and she offered Kaiju unlimited power- she offered him the chance to become a god. WIthout hesitation, Kaiju took that chance. The stranger told him to come back to the very same spot tomorrow, and as she departed, Kaiju explored other planets, visited Earth (by hiding) and other planets until 24 hours had passed. He located the same barren planet he met the stranger at and waited for her return. She arrived, holding a shiny black crown with red jewels. She spoke before him, explaining that the crown would give him all he needs to achieve the power he's seeking. He took the crown, but asked what she wanted in return. The stranger shook her head and spoke softly: "you are what I receive in return. Take the power and restore all of Ether." He didn't make much sense of it, but the stranger left before he could ask questions. Once she was gone, Kaiju placed the crown upon his head and suddenly he changed. The soft, shy, pushover Kaiju was gone, and he became confident, powerful, strong, and he felt like he could take over the universe with the flap of his wing. He became a soldier in the war, proving his family wrong, and slaughtered hundreds of prisms. In the midst of battle, he fought side by side with a stunning plasmic named Erebus.

After the battle, he met up with Erebus and the two became best friends soon after getting to know each other. He learned that Erebus came from a planet that had collapsed in on itself and only he and a few hundred plasmics that inhabited the planet escaped in time, which gave Kaiju the idea to adopt his own planet and create a kingdom. Erebus offered to help him, so the two went planet hunting and found a cracked red & blue planet that Kaiju adored. Erebus warned Kaiju that the planet seemed unstable and ready to collapse like his planet did, but Kaiju didn't care. He had envisioned this planet as his new home and kingdom. The planet was registered as "Planet 06438B" and Kaiju gave it the name "Netsutei." Many plasmics that already supported Kaiju moved to his planet, and sworn loyalty under him. The species began recognizing Kaijuriko as a plasmitherium of power and potential to lead to species to victory. Kaiju moved up to 2nd Class and deemed a Warlord, he had his own soldiers and army made up of thousands of soldiers in black and red armor. With all the power at his hands, he could crush the Earth beings and take over the planet and become the one and ultimate God. Erebus remained by his side, as Kaiju's second in command, technically making Erebus a 3rd Class, but not many plasmics recognized him or acknowledged Erebus' class ranking. Upon a year of knowing each other, Kaijuriko wanted to put power and kingdoms aside for a day. He removed his crown and set it upon his crown's casing to hold it for when he wishes to wear it again. Kaiju took Erebus somewhere private, essentially on a date. He wanted Erebus to become more to him than just a second in-command. He wanted Erebus to be his partner, as he had always been there for him when no one else was. Erebus expressed that he had always enjoyed his company and could never see himself without Kaiju.

The two became partners and Erebus was then moved to 2nd Class and deemed another Warlord. The kingdom celebrated their union and new relationship and the plasmics offered gifts to the both of them. Kaijuriko often kept his crown at rest to give more attention towards Erebus and strengthen their relationship, but after months gone by, Erebus continued giving commands and orders in Kaiju's place, and focusing more on war and the kingdom rather than Kaiju. At the time he believed that maybe Erebus was just caught up in power and not used to it yet, but then a year had gone by and Kaiju and Erebus felt distant. Erebus was always making orders for Kaiju and he barely greeted or talked to Kaiju. Half of the kingdom pledged their allegiance to Erebus more than they had Kaijuriko, and rumors went around how Erebus was stronger than Kaijuriko and that Kaiju had grown soft after becoming partners with Erebus. Upon discovering that Erebus had only been using Kaiju for power, he split off from Erebus and ended their relationship. In doing so, Kaiju demanded that Erebus leave his planet, but originally Erebus refused claiming that he would overtake the planet and claim it as his. This enraged Kaiju, so he took his crown and commanded his soldiers to arrest Erebus, but his army was divided and some of his soldiers were loyal to Erebus. The soldiers fought each other as some protected Erebus and others fought to arrest him. In the action, Erebus fled and made his statement that all who are loyal to him follow him to his new kingdom and all that pledge their loyalty to Kaiju are "traitors to the plasmitherium species." Half of Kaiju's kingdom left with Erebus and those that remained grew stronger with Kaiju. Kaijuriko had declared Erebus as an enemy and anyone pledging their loyalty to him will be sentenced to Akuma's Ridge and deemed a traitor. Unfortunately Erebus had too much power so he remained a 2nd Class plasmic as well as Kaijuriko.

Kaijuriko had originally forgotten about the mysterious stranger that had given him the crown of power, and upon learning that the stranger is a Prism-Plasmic hybrid, he was enraged and disgusted. Not only is it against the universal laws for a hybrid between prisms and plasmics to exist, but the hybrid is extremely powerful and threatens his position as Warlord if others knew of this powerful hybrid. Kaijuriko had sent a spy to search for the hybrid or anyone knowing about the hybrid. His guards discovered a society that worships the hybrid on a planet called Estherum and prisms were even spotted living on the planet with plasmics. The society was named "Prism-Plasmic Association Society" or PPAS for short. Kaijuriko had a plan to extinguish these believers and stop them from worshipping the disgusting hybrid and living in peace with prisms. He commanded his entire army to set the planet ablaze and demolish the traitorous planet. The hybrid worshippers of planet Estherum were known as "Estherians" and those who had escaped the destruction of planet Estherum were wanted by Kaijuriko. Many Estherian plasmics and prisms were killed, but some tried to flee but were caught by Kaiju's soldiers and sent to Akuma's Ridge for torture and information on the hybrid. Estherum, the "peaceful planet," has since been known to all plasmics as the "traitorous planet." All existing Estherian plasmics were reported to be captured and executed.
One of the Estherians that had gotten away was reported, and Kaijuriko had sent a few elite soldiers to retrieve the traitor. This traitorous plasmic was known as Cal, and he became one of Kaiju's prisoners held in Akuma's Ridge.

Kaijuriko himself interrogated and tortured Cal for information on the PPAS and the prism-plasmic hybrid they worship, along with information about any other existing Estherian plasmics. Kaijuriko would leave cuts and scratches, even wounds on the prisoner, and two major wounds were across Cal's neck and tail. He was held as prisoner for about an entire year on Akuma's Ridge, and tortured and starved every month for more information. The torture of an Estherian plasmic became so well known that the entire plasmic species knows that a hybrid does in fact exist, and what she's capable of. One of the other prisoners that was held next to Cal set off an explosion and freed the both of them from the prison on Akuma's Ridge. They both got away and went into hyper-speed flight far from the planet. Upon hearing the news, Kaijuriko had lashed out on the guard that failed to capture them and made it his very mission to find the hybrid dead or alive, and all Estherian traitors. He also wanted to re-claim and de-throne Erebus as a Warlord 2nd Class and obtain all power.

Planet 06438B - "Netsutei":


The Netsutei Planet
This planet was once stable, long before the war of plasmics and prisms. The planet grew increasingly hot, to the point which the planet formed cracks to release the heat and pressure contained underneath the planet's crust. Over time, two large and deep cracks in the planet had broken off from the rest of the planet but still remains close due to the gravity. Kaijuriko was in search for a new planet to inhabit after being promoted to a Warlord, they discovered this planet and began constructing their empire after a month of exploration.

Those who live on or visit this planet can withstand hot temperatures. Many plasmics live here, including those in Kaijuriko's army. Only the generals and those Kaiju personally knows may live in the empire; all other plasmics on Netsutei live in Paradise, the safest part of the planet. Other creatures that live on this planet range between docile and aggressive.

Kaiju's Empire
Built in-between the two floating continents. The empire building is massive, and surrounded by mountains; there is a large pool of lava surrounding it as well. Kaijuriko spends most of their time in the empire as it is heavily armed and well defended by plasmic guards.

The only part of the planet that isn't as hot. It also has a river of fresh water, but the water is hot, similar to hot springs. There are a few popular hot springs/pools in mountains and caves as well. Most of the plasmics live here as it's the safest part of the planet and the most beautiful. They've built houses here or some live in the cave systems inside the mountains.

Akuma's Ridge
Kaijuriko's prison & dungeon for traitors and enemies. Prisoners that are sent here lose their wings, as Kaijuriko's guards cuts off the wings of all prisoners so that they may never escape. Each prisoner has their own cell which is also surrounded by lava and guarded by soldiers.

The Borders
Land past the borders are unstable and dangerous so the borders act as a warning that danger lies ahead.

The Hadean Ocean
A massive ocean of lava.

Magma Lands
The most hostile creatures live in the magma lands along with rivers of lava and volcanic eruptions. This is a great spot for hardcore soldier training.

1 year = 403 Earth days; 1 day = 20 hours. (still working on this but math hurts)