


3 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Carmelita Ragusa.








130 lbs.

World of Origin






More detailed profile over here, this...well, WAS an attempt at a cliffnotes version of her personality but got a little uh. Rambly. Whoops. Reference this over the detailed profile's personality traits, I need to consolidate a bit.


  • Carmelita has major Dumb Bitch Energy. She doesn't know shit, doesn't dare ask, and tends to live her life drifting through it on her strength and force of personality alone. And having a god attached to her chest and giving her all of the advice she needs, but that's. Fine, surely.
  • She's really damn cheerful despite it all, though; she's very laissez-faire in demeanor, not really giving much consideration to anything that'll make her think too hard in favor of living freely and without a care in the world. Lita is simply too casual to care much if anything happens; she thinks that things will work out in the end and doesn't really sweat the small stuff.
  • Of course, Lita's usually used to having Fomalhaut, the god in her chest, there to back her up if the going gets tough, or be her impulse control. Without him, she tends to act without thinking about the larger scale consequences.
  • Lita's here for a good time, not a long time, basically. She's 27 years old and her life is basically undefined from one moment to the next, and she loves it dearly. She values her independence greatly, and without Fomalhaut to bless her with things like...y'know, common sense, she can be pretty contrary when she wants to be, because she really doesn't like being told what to do by someone she doesn't know.
  • Of course, that's not to say that Lita's entirely without it, or entirely unwilling to listen to people; she tends to follow the orders of the guild that she takes work from semi-frequently, and does listen to those who direct her in that regard. And she tends to listen to people who have been good to her, too; Anivia can get Lita to slow down easily, and Crane, one of her buddies and someone who works with her often, can get her to listen in a fight and she will easily.
  • Lita loves to nickname people; she says it's due to people's names usually being long and boring to remember, but a lot of it has to do with the fact that her memory is genuinely really shit. So she tends to nickname people based on what she sees of their personality, or what kind of things stand out about them. (Also, in kind, she insists on just being called Lita.)
  • Lita makes acquaintances very easily, at least in her view; she loves talking to people, and she's like. World's shittiest social butterfly. It certainly lasts her long enough through her usual week-long visits to new places, but it also really hinders her ability to make actual friends when coupled with her inability to really remember much most of the time. The sole exceptions to this are Anivia (who took her in in the first place, tried and failed to train her to be a spy but was patient with her, essentially helped socialize her, and is kind of like a mother figure to Lita), Crane (the closest thing to a friend Lita has, despite their prickly relationship nature), Nazhen (leader of the combat guild and trained Lita in combat, Lita tends to take jobs from her), and ??? (idk I JUST NEED ONE MORE NPC RELATIONSHIP FOR HER with like. idk, someone stuffy and by the book who Lita's got a bit of a caustic 'friendship' with).
  • Still, Lita is willing to go quite far for those she considers close to her; be it going on hunts to get Anivia materials she needs, taking on tough jobs for Nazhen, and even going as far as to spend a year investigating what the hell happened with Crane's sister and try to bust her out of the temple she was being held in. (read: Lita basically spent a year or so researching shit, broke into a temple once she had enough info, beat the shit out of and got the shit beaten out of her by the guards and members of said temple, and basically got out of there only due to timely intervention from another combat guild member. To say that Crane was pissed with her for being reckless is an understatement.) Basically, she's more than willing to be a little reckless if it means that she can do something for people, and the more gratitude that she has toward a person, the more reckless a stunt she'll pull off. (Fomalhaut can get her to slow down but like. Only barely. So take that as you will, especially in regards to being in a place without him.)
  • also i don't think i can extrapolate on this much, but like. lita likes to fight. she's fond of fisticuffs and polearm fighting, and she has a lot of fun with it and also is here to teach other to defend themselves.
  • she has a fair amount of street smarts but is book dumb as shit. i could've put this in the dumb bitch energy box but idk if it'd fit??? i'll go into it more eventually
  • more basic positive shit: lita doesn't usually expect people to look out for her other than fomalhaut and anivia (and her mom, but /gestures at remembering things), so when someone actually does, she goes surprisingly soft and doesn't really know what to do with it. but also: look out for her and she'll look out for you. see above line about doing reckless shit for people she gives a shit about. she also likes taking people to see interesting shit, and dragging people along. if she does get to know you well enough she'll remember a lot of little things about you, and...try to be decent. results may vary.

  • Memory is...a big thing with Lita, honestly. Due to her past, she's really forced herself to forget a lot of things in order to try and live a life of freedom and try to find happiness with the life she's now been given. The problem with this is that Lita tends to forget things really easily; she's so used to traveling to different places and meeting different faces that she tends to forget anyone she's not in contact with pretty often. It's also resulted in her forgetting a lot of other things in the process to continue living as she does; she can't remember her mom's face at all, nor much of what happened the day that the island fell and she became free. She also can't really remember much of her life beforehand, though that much can be chalked up to 'forced to stay in one room for 15 years, 10 of which with only one person to talk to, so naturally that shit blends together'. She remembers that a lot of people died, and that Fomalhaut encouraged her to never look back.
  • ...He encourages her to forget a lot, really; Lita trusts Fomalhaut almost implicitly, and when she sometimes tries to recall something, he'll usually tell her that it isn't important. That if it was important, she'd remember it, and Lita just laughs and goes along with it all too easily. There's. There's a lot of fuckery going on with those two and god only knows why he's encouraging it. (i say this because i too haven't fuckin' decided. is fomalhaut manipulating her into not remembering shit because he's trying to make sure she doesn't screw him over, or is he trying to protect her from the weight of any bad memories?? who fucking knows my guy!!)
  • In basic terms, girl sits on a castle of lies! And would not know how to deal with loss if it hit her in the face.
  • ...This also means she's got a pretty blasé view of death in general, though that much can also be chalked up to the work she usually gets called on for in the guild. She can't exactly do much else other than hunt and beat the shit out of people, but she's good enough at doing both of these things that she gets pretty consistent work, and that consistent work can involve murder. Which Lita's very inclined to shrug at, considering it just a fact of life that sometimes people have to die. (Deep down, she doesn't actually like killing people; if Lita were to think about her actions for more than ten seconds at a time, she'd be a little more fucked up about it then she is. Naturally, this is another thing Fomalhaut encourages her to forget, and thus, she does and goes about her merry way.) At the end of the day for her, though, death is either shrug-worthy or just the means to an end, and she's not inclined to dwell on things or mourn.
  • Of course, as a result of this, her feelings on what happened with the sky island are. Uh. Complicated, to say the least. Well over 500 people lived on that island and while she never really focused on it, pretty much everyone died there, including her mom, aka the one person she gave something resembling a fuck about. She justifies it in her head as being necessary often, though it sounds more and more desperate the more she does it. Fomalhaut tries VERY hard to steer her away from this kind of thinking, and he...may honestly be the reason she doesn't actually remember her mom at all, which is. Comforting, I'm sure. (it's not.)
  • She has a...very tenuous relationship with empathy; in the most basic of terms, she doesn't really know what to do with other people's problems if they start talking about them with her. Unless it's a problem she can physically beat the shit out of (and she'll do so gladly if asked! for...better or for worse...), she'll be very inclined to just...stare kind of blankly at a person and go "what do you want me to do about it". Feelings??? The fuck are feelings. Lita doesn't get paid to focus on feelings, and if they aren't a problem you can beat up then what's the point of having them...
  • For as much of a semi-hedonist as Lita is, she honestly hasn't really found anything that's made her truly happy? She loves traveling, she loves experiencing new things and she loves talking to people and learning about the world she'd been deprived of for fifteen years. But even so, Lita is constantly looking for something that will keep her happy, without truly understanding what the hell it is she wants out of life. (hint: it'd involve her acknowledging and confronting her issues and that maybe, just maybe, sending the island down to earth didn't actually solve all of her problems, and in fact gave her new ones. which she's not gonna do because she's not one to acknowledge that.) She gets some happiness out of helping others and having fun with them, at least, so she's...on something resembling a track I guess.........
  • some dumb more basic shit: lita does not like silence, it reminds her of being stuck in her room all the time and she can't fall asleep in complete silence at all. lita can be quite petty if she feels the need to, and she's also not fond of stuffy people. (read: she likes poking fun at them.) she can listen to people if criticized but whether she'll take it to heart or not is a crapshoot at best. i'll. think of more later, my brain is currently going Full Mush.
  • oh one thing i will go into detail on: lita has a FOUL mouth. she tends to curse really easily and attempts at getting her to stop will fail. she's earned this!! (in reality, the reason for this is kind of sad: she inherited her foul mouth from her mom, who forbade her from swearing until lita became older than her, and they had a silly conversation about that. now that mom's dead, lita doesn't really remember why, but she doesn't like the idea of not swearing or being told not to.)