If you end up looking at trades, lmk!

I could offer this guy, https://toyhou.se/5066813.mi-roh

Not sure if anything else of mine I would be as ready to part with that isnt tagged cryptikaiju or forever homed. But you could look though this is main one I know I would part with.

Gorgeous lad (and I do adore that artist!) but ahhh I just can't see myself using him, but thank you so much for offering!


Feel free to look through my TH! I have CS like bamharr.

Only chars not UFS is my main fursona and Faust.

Sorry I didn't see anyone that was quite my cup of tea, but thank you for offering!

heyo! I wanted to try again ; w ; does this guy interest you? https://toyhou.se/9526637.jethro

Ahhh I'm sorry but I'm just so picky when it comes to pink designs and this design's not really my cup of tea, but thank you so much for offering!

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There's no hyperlink over the first here, just in case there was supposed to be, but I didn't see anybody from the second 'here' that I could see myself using unfortunately!

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Oh that can be fixed by disabling WYSIWYG as that sometimes interferes with some people's custom profile code, like mine!

I didn't see anyone I liked from those two folders but thanks for offering!

Anyone in my TH?

Sorry I didn't see anyone that was quite my cup of tea, but thank you so much for offering <3

Alright ^^

Would you take art?

I would look at art offers yes, but I'm extremely picky when it comes to art offers and I look for very specific styles!  If you're wondering what sort of styles then you're welcome to see the sort of art I commission for my other designs, I'd be looking for something along that quality!

Oh, I can't do that qwq

Alright then, thank you though!

Hey there! I was wondering what types of designs you're after for this kid ;;

Goodness I don't really have anything specific in mind, just whatever design ends up catching my interest!

That being said I am very partial to humanoid designs right now, especially sci-fi/cybernetic themed! And I'm not interested in base-adopt designs, CS of any kind, or anything with too bright colors!

Oooh okay! this character is such a dream design ;;

I've got a folder here, a trade account here

and I can offer a few randos:


I can potentially offer multiples depending... if no on catches your eye, I understand!

Oh you've got such gorgeous darlings, I love some of the colors and designs! Unfortunately I didn't see any I'd trade for Blue though or see myself using, but thanks so much for offering!

I can offer $80 or characters from my profile. Anyone not in my forever home folder is available

Goodness what a generous offer! Unfortunately, Tam designs cannot be sold for more than they're bought so I will have to decline the USD offer! I may be interested in a swap for Igazi though, if you're alright with that and let me think on it for a bit!

Ah, sadly I was looking for more of a companion for Igazi. But thank you for the consideration!

anyone here or here? could also add on usd depending on who ud be interested in if any!

Oh goodness there were a few that caught my eye! Would it be alright if I thought on it?


Gosh so I've given it some thought and after considering all of your lovely designs (there were so many gorgeous ones!) the only ones I'd be interested in are worth a lot more than Blue so it wouldn't be fair for you <3 but goodness thank you so much for offering, all of your characters are just lovely!

which ones were u interested in tho? i could def consider even on value different ocs! 

I was a bit interested in Onodera, Ichigo, and Killard!

9 Replies
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Oh goodness your designs are adorable!!  Unfortunately I didn't see anyone I'd use!

And gosh your art is adorable too my goodness!!  Ahhh I really am looking for character trades for this lad though unless the style really perfectly fits the characters I'd want art of, but thank you so much for offering and have a lovely day/night!

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Gorgeous designs my goodness, one in particular really caught my eye but unfortunately I wouldn't trade any of them for blue!  Thanks so much for offering though <3

Alright! Thanks for checking it out!

idk if you consider art but if you do please take a look at my pieces! i'd love to trade for them C:

Gosh your work is lovely!!!  Unfortunately I really do prefer trades for this lad unless the art style really fits the characters I'd want art of <3 and as lovely as your style is I'm not sure it's what I'd be looking for for who I have in mind!  But thank you so much for offering!

Ahhh that's okay, thank you so much for the compliment!!! I wish you the best luck trading them

May I offer ocs 

Yes of course!


none off limits , even off limits

any amount

Sorry, didn't see anybody I fancied, but thank you so much for offering!