


kalon #571 RU

#F0ECD8 #E8E0AA #E3BB88 #DB9864
#B1695A #644749 #8BA892

Name Indira
gender female (she/her)
age 24
birthday -
sexuality pansexual (mostly into girls)
relationship status single
breeding slots 1/3 (nb #1575, #2526)
occupation traveller
recidence travelling


colour light blue
flower daisies
plant huge oaks
animal little birds
food -
beverage fresh apple juice
sandwich -
music genre -
smell -
sound -
quote -


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Indira is a confident and determined kalon who likes doing things her own way. She's optimistic and courageous, always seeking new adventures and looking to expand her horizons. She's quite persistent and stubborn at times and changing her mind is often near impossible.

She's pretty secretive and not always entirely trustworthy, but when she gets attached to someone she really holds on to them. Indira isn't afraid to speak her mind and if she ends up disliking someone, she won't hesitate to let them know that. She hates when people try to order her around.

Not a big fan of commitment, Indira spends her days travelling the land and enjoying her freedom. She never stays in one place for too long and does whatever jobs she can get to gather enough money for her simple life. She doesn't care about material possessions much and values experiences and friendship over fancy belongings.


Indira is a confident and determined kalon who likes doing things her own way. She's optimistic and courageous, always seeking new adventures and looking to expand her horizons. She's quite persistent and stubborn at times, and changing her mind is near impossible. When failing at something Indira gets very upset but always manages to pick herself up and try again. Learning new things is important to her even if her fear of failure makes things hard sometimes. She tries not to take life too seriously and just enjoy the moment.

Not a big fan of commitment, Indira spends her days travelling the land and enjoying her freedom. She never stays in one place for too long and does whatever jobs she can get to gather enough money for her simple life. She doesn't care about material possessions much and values experiences and friendship over fancy belongings. Most of Indira's relationships are brief and shallow, as she is always quick to move on, but when she really gets attached to someone she really holds on to them. Indira is not too big on romantic relationships and prefers short flings.

Indira is pretty secretive and likes to keep her things to herself. On top of that she's not always entirely trustworthy, and often makes up lies to keep her true feelings hidden. Nonetheless Indira is generally friendly and treats people with kindness if they do the same to her.

Indira isn't afraid to speak her mind and voice her opinions. She manages to get into fights every now and then over trivial matters because of her adamant nature, but she is just as adamant to help her few trusted friends. On the other hand, if Indira ends up disliking someone, she won't hesitate to let them know that - she can be quite rude and insulting if she wants to.

Indira absolutely hates people who try to order her around. She makes her own decisions and she is very proud of that fact. Indira won't let anyone meddle with her life, and her enourmous need for independence may be part of the reason she has decided to spend her life travelling alone.

Being alone from time to time is important to Indira too - when she's by herself in the middle of the woods she feels like she can truly concentrate on sorting out her thoughts. Nature is a big part of her life and she gets great joy from being amongst the wilderness. One of Indira's favourite hobbies is archery, and after years of practice she has become quite good at it. She hunts a lot.








friend / travel companion

Mortimer saved Indira's life a while back when she was really sick, and as a thank-you she helped him to gather some rare potion ingredients. After that she just stuck around - Indira thinks Mortimer is fun to be around with and his large medical knowledge certainly comes in handy.

Indira considers Mortimer a friend and despite him being a bit shady at times she would totally trust him with her life - again.

pixel item by bitmapdreams
background by ransie3 / subtlepatterns