


kalon #791

#FFFFFF #E4E3E1 #5E5B60 #362D2E #060102 #A77243

Name Mortimer
gender male (he/him)
age 38
birthday -
sexuality pansexual
relationship status single
breeding slots 2/3 (nb #1114)
occupation travelling herbalist
recidence travelling


colour green
flower -
plant all kinds of mosses
animal -
food -
beverage -
sandwich -
music genre -
smell -
sound -
quote -


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Often sick as a kit, Mortimer grew up to become a small and scrawny loner.


Mortimer is ridden with illnesses, some real and some imagined, but he refuses to admit being hypochondriac. He's always nervous about new symptoms showing up and the proceeds to do whatever it takes to get rid of the pain. Luckily Mortimer is self-taught in herbalism- he's pretty good at it and has a huge collection of different kinds of plants that he uses to manage his conditions. He's also pretty superstitious and always has a special amulet or two with him. Learning about folklore and magic is one of Mortimer's main interests.

Mortimer doesn't really trust people and is usually pretty selfish and unpredictable. He's always looking out for himself and can seem even cold and unempathic. It's not that he's an evil person - he just has a history of making bad decisions regarding trusting others. Mortimer is realistic and even pessimistic at times. He definitely prefers to be safe than sorry and rarely does anything that would even possibly result in him getting hurt. Mortimer would never use physical violence unless absolutely necessary (he's way too sickly for that), but he's good at talking people into stuff and trading for things he wants.

Mortimer prefers being alone except for when he can gain something from being with someone - he can be manipulative if he wants to but usually he's just totally uninterested in others and wont do harm to anyone unless they, in his opinion, deserve it. He's very fast at cutting ties with anyone if they do something he doesn't like. Mortimer hates getting attached and is very afraid of commitment.

A traveller at heart, Mortimer likes moving often and doesn't want to settle down anywhere. Whenever he gets a bad feeling from a place he just leaves and never looks back. Travelling is also good for expanding his plant collection. He's very ambitious with his work as a herbalist and will do absolutely anything to get his hands on stuff he wants or needs. Otherwise he's actually kind of a loser that prefers to just give up when things doesn't go his way.

Mortimer is unbelievably good at fishing. He learnt the skill from his fisherman dads at a young age.




Mortimer makes a living by selling his self-made potions and cures for good prices. He's definitely a very skilled salesman and his unempathic nature definitely helps with making desperate people pay fortunes for his herbal medicines.


Mortimer was born in a little small seaside village to fishermen parents. As a young kit he caught a nasty disease and ever since he's constantly been more or less ill. Mortimer had lots of problems especially with his lungs, causing him to be unable to run very fast or keep up with his littermates. He was small and scrawny so his older siblings liked to pick on him and make fun of the runt of the litter. More than anything Mortimer would've loved to just fit in with the everyone else and make friends.

When Mortimer was a young adult, a deadly plague hit his home village causing his whole family to fall ill. Being already knowledgeable with herbal medicines, Mortimer managed to find a cure for himself but it was too late for his dads and siblings. Heartbroken and pessimistic Mortimer left his home village to see the world.


ally / friend

Mortimer practically saved Indira's life, and as a thank-you she helped him to gather some rarer ingredients for his potions. Turns out these two work well together, and Indira decided to travel with Mortimer for now.

Mortimer refuses to admit that that he actually considers Indira a friend, and keeps telling himself that the only reason he tolerates her is because she's a good ally and a good travel companion. The two are constantly bickering and Mortimer still feels like he can't completely trust Indira but the two make a good team.

pixel item by bitmapdreams
background by ransie3 / subtlepatterns