Snowdrift (♂)



3 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

Snowdrift Jaylen Daeora

Status - Affiliation - Position:

Alive - Eternal Pack - Young

Pronunciation Of Name:

Snow-Drift || Jay-Len || Day-Or-Ah

Any Nicknames?

Snow, Brother (By Bloodshot)

Parents and Any Known Siblings:

Phoenix (Father), Jordon (Mother), Bloodshot (Brother), Zanzabar (Brother)

Breed and Additional Forms:

King Cheetah x Puma x Siberian Tiger (Birth Form), Western Dragon


Like his father before him, he is extremely Loyal to his family and does almost everything with his older brother, Bloodshot. His favourite pass-time is flight, it doesn't matter when or where, just being in the air soothes him, body, mind and soul. His Elder Spirit was older brother to and at odds with Bloodshot's Elder Spirit and having this knowledge makes Snowdrift go out of his way to ensure he and Bloodshot never quarrel like their Elders beforehand and he despises fighting with him. When in the form of his Level-Headed Dragon, his speech is very eloquent and proper, a side-effect of the memories that flood his mind. However, when his Energetic Tiger comes out to play, whilst the Knowledge and Memories are still present, it is his Teenage Mindset that takes over and his speech becomes more slang and relaxed. Unlike his older brother, his dragon is unable to breathe fire. However the scorching breathe is replaced by his molten saliva. He has the ability to control Ice and produces a frosty breath from his maw. His dragons saliva is molten to the touch and glows Metallic-White which, when set, turns to steel and dulls to a Greyish-Silver. He is the ice to his brothers fire.