Bloodshot (♂)



3 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info

Full Name:

Bloodshot Rusten Daeora

Status - Affiliation - Position:

Alive - Eternal Pack - Young

Pronunciation Of Name:

Blood-Shot || Russ-Ten || Day-Or-Ah

Any Nicknames?

Blood, Brother (By Snowdrift)

Parents and Any Known Siblings:

Phoenix (Father), Jordon (Mother), Snowdrift (Brother), Zanzabar (Brother)

Breed and Additional Forms:

King Cheetah x Puma x Siberian Tiger (Birth Form), Western Dragon


Rather Testy and Easily Angered, Bloodshot releases his tension through the use of his fire - often causing small containable fires to help himself calm down. His fire brings him great joy and he will use it whenever he gets the chance, even if it is inappropriate at the time. Bloodshot hates being bossed around by anyone other then his parents, and reluctantly his younger brother, Snowdrift. He dislikes being miss-understood and gets easily frustrated if he can not get his point across. When in the form of his Hot-Headed Dragon, his speech is very eloquent and proper, a side-effect of the memories that flood his mind. However, when his Energetic Tiger comes out to play, whilst the Knowledge and Memories are still present, it is his Teenage Mindset that takes over and his speech becomes more slang and relaxed. The fire he breathes from his maw is a deep orange gradient, tinged with reddish-purple and it is extremely hot. His fangs also draw on his fire, heating them up and making his bite searing, which is the polar opposite to his icy brother.