


7 years, 2 months ago




"It's coming together, don't you think?"
Basic Info

Name Rayne
Age 24
Gender Male
BirthdayNovember 14th
Height 5'8" / 172cm
Weight 137 lbs / 62kg
Ear Type Caprine
Hoof Type Pony
Orientation Pansexual
Occupation Idol manager
S.O. N/A
Species Dainty
Dictionary # Official 4
Value $XXX USD
Design Notes

  • He is a Dainty, he has hooved deer legs and his stockings cannot be removed or altered!
  • The stripes on his cheeks and thighs are markings, please don't skip them!
  • His collar isn't optional, so please include it! Please draw him fully clothed unless otherwise specified.
  • Please color-pick off his reference! It's okay if you change the hues and whatnot, but please go off these colors!

  • His apartment is pretty much just a place to sleep for him. It's tiny and hardly fits the essentials, but it's his! He could afford better, but he's so stressed and overworked that he hardly spends any time there anyways.
  • He loves to play guitar and can sing a little! He sometimes performs at bars on slow nights, but refuses to seriously pursue music as a career due to stage fright.
  • He's had a handful of jobs before this one. Fast food, lingerie model, small publications editor, and even management for another (now long gone) idol group before he settled into Câ–²FFEINE's open position.

Rayne is a bright, hardworking dainty with a passion for taking on new projects for himself. However, that's a bit of a double edged sword, as he often gets himself into more than he can handle. He's diligent, persevering, and always willing to lend a helping hand. Rayne has a kind heart and a friendly demeanor, even with his ever present exhaustion. A creative in every sense, Rayne is always looking for things to do that challenge him and require unique solutions. Practical and leaderly, Rayne does his best to steer everyone around him in the right direction towards their goals. Overall, Rayne is a friendly and tired dainty with a passion for being helpful and useful.


  • Playing guitar, he loves to play the softer rearrangements he writes of existing songs!
  • Cozy, loose clothing... he's a sweater weather person.
  • Long hair, he does his very best to care for it!

  • Hot sunny weather... he's not used to it, he needs at least a little breeze!
  • Dogs. He doesn't hate them, but they're just... in general, much more overbearing than he can handle.
  • Loud environments with bright lights; he'd hate to be on a big stage!

Rayne is a super busy, super stressed workaholic without many material possessions to show for it. As a child, he was soft-spoken and kept to himself for the most part, pursuing his own interests in between schoolwork and sleep. He's a highly motivated person, but too shy to really act on much of it. As he grew, he couldn't decide what passion to follow and got stuck in a bit of a rut. He flipped from job to job, trying to find something that called to him and kept his attention, but everything he tried felt... empty and boring. He loved to play guitar, but felt that there wasn't a future there for him due to his unease around the spotlight. So, he worked many different jobs for a while, dropping them when he couldn't stand them anymore, and playing guitar for himself in the off time.

His direction changed a bit seeing an idol group perform for the first time. Their confidence, the lights, and the fun tunes captivated him. They were a rather new group, and Rayne wanted to see them thrive. He managed to talk his way into an idol management position for them, and for the first time he felt he'd found a job that really called to him - Helping others reach their dreams and goals was the most fulfilling job he'd had in a while. However, it wouldn't last. The idol group he worked for broke up fairly early, after just a year and a half of being together. Something about group drama? Rayne was never sure on the specifics, but it was absolutely disheartening to lose a job he actually loved. He ended up finding his way to an entry position at an idol management company, though, and worked casually with many different idol groups until a special offer rolled along.

Rayne was offered the chance to manage every single business aspect of a more developed idol group - Câ–²FFEINE. He'd heard their music before and enjoyed it, and thought their group was a very special one. He took the job, and he's been working for them ever since! He basically runs himself ragged to make sure everything they do goes off without a hitch, and pretty much spends every waking moment with them until it's time to go home for bed. While the group sometimes has its bumps and dramas, Rayne feels very attached to all the members and enjoys their company, viewing them more as friends than clients.






A darling angel, couldn't possibly be causing any trouble whatsoever. Okay, maybe a little trouble, but Rayne thinks he doesn't mean to.
Rayne is constantly asking him to please stop cursing the other group members. Begging, actually, begging and bribing.