Yarrow (Genshin)



2 years, 8 months ago




"Quote or tag line"

  • FULL NAME:  Suisen Nokogirisou
  • AGE:  19
  • D.O.B:  July 30
  • PRONOUNS:  he/him
  • HEIGHT:  6'0"
  • CONSTELLATION:  Flos Miles
  • VISION:  Geo
  • WEAPON:  Claymore
  • SPECIAL DISH:  Okonomiyaki
  • REGION:  Inazuma / Liyue


A once ambitious samurai that now wanders as a ronin in Liyue, the land he received his vision and now considers his home.


Maecenas pulvinar magna a libero facilisis ullamcorper quis in justo. Nam laoreet malesuada dolor vel consequat. Sed congue gravida ligula, et fermentum massa ultricies ac. Maecenas luctus auctor cursus. Nullam facilisis tincidunt leo nec rutrum. Vestibulum eget scelerisque dolor. Maecenas posuere ante metus, non iaculis eros condimentum non. Donec feugiat aliquam massa. Vivamus est massa, sollicitudin id eleifend non, pretium sed lacus.


Born to a dwindling clan of blacksmiths and later orphaned with his sister, Yarrow spent much of his childhood under the wing of the Umekobai – a small sister clan of the Suisens that specialized in agriculture. The elder Umekobai placed Yarrow in a martial arts dojo, not knowing what else to do with him, and he quickly took to it with enthusiasm. While not the most innately skilled, he suffered through sore muscles and broken bones with the dream of being a high ranking samurai in Inazuma's military.

He was often sent on chores across the sea... the sort of thing no one else really wanted to do. Liyue is where he traveled the most. He paid for imports. Gathered receipts. Tracked down clients for his clan. He was infuriated – samurai shouldn't be doing errands!

He had to make friends to survive the bustling, money-minded Liyue. Lùdòu became an invaluable ally for Yarrow. As the son of merchants and raised in a popular general goods store, he guided Yarrow through Liyue's complicated rules and dodgy deals. The more Yarrow got to know his friend and the beautiful things of Liyue Harbor, the more he came to miss it once he returned home.

As if to solidify his affinity for Liyue more, it is the place where he received his vision. He had been waiting for it all his life, but it was finally granted to him while rescuing passersby from a raging Mitachurl. The vision that manifested in his hand and radiated a coolness... it had a Liyuean frame, not an Inazuman one.


Coming soon.


Coming soon.


  • Training
  • Competition
  • Routine
  • Strategy games
  • Being needed


  • Eating meat
  • Cooking
  • PDA
  • Boredom
  • Reading


  • Martial arts
  • Sword fighting
  • Metalworking
  • Sketching
  • Gardening


  • Cras elementum leo et nisl pellentesque lobortis.
  • Praesent in arcu in nunc vestibulum tristique.
  • Has a pet Sunny Loach named Saichi.
  • Pellentesque suscipit odio quis neque lacinia, facilisis condimentum nisl mattis.
  • His nickname "Yarrow" is kind of a joke on his true name (which is the same flower) and the japanese 'Yaro' 野郎 which can mean 'guy', 'buddy', and 'bastard'.




Lùdòu is Yarrow's first friend. Sure, he had plenty of acquaintances and family figures back in Inazuma, but Lùdòu was the first person who he could really relate with.




Curabitur ultrices sapien velit, sit amet bibendum lacus facilisis vitae. Praesent facilisis sem vel maximus bibendum. Vestibulum eros lorem, pretium a enim ac, pulvinar commodo ipsum. Vestibulum dictum tortor ac commodo commodo. Nam id leo at risus aliquam accumsan. Quisque mollis vulputate nisi, a consectetur augue dapibus in. Nulla commodo sagittis turpis eget aliquam. Ut auctor interdum nisi, nec ultricies orci lobortis ac.

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