00 Hydra - trade-



3 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info

Original Price

giveback raffle (2/3)




Owner: Puddle                            Species: Granthrow
Name: Hydra
Age: 7 years
Birthdate: March 4, 2020
Upload Date: October 4, 2020
Sexuality: straight
Gender: female
Status: single
Parents: raffle (father - Maximillian)
Cubs: N/A
Personality: mostly cheerful and fun-loving, Hydra was named for the mythical beast in an attempt to instill some fierceness into the then-silly cub. Other times, she's quiet, wary and distrustful, but never for long. Other times, Hydra is a serious hunter, showing a frightening knowledge of how to kill and taking an almost gleeful pleasure in it. Thankfully, that does not last long either.
History: As a cub, Hydra was innocent, curious and playful. Often scolded by her mother for being rambunctious when she should have been quiet and learning attentively, but it never daunted the wide-eyed cub. As she grew, she became protective of her older sister who did not grow. Henna was strangely short of breath after a simple walk and practically blind. Raised by their mother, they were told the sire had skipped out when he was informed she was pregnant and vanished into the trees. According to her, he was a whimpering coward who's only use had been breeding a new line of hunters for the pack. He'd been a loner the pack had been willing to take in and had known nothing of how to hunt or barely survive on his own. Hydra did her best to protect, defend and aide her sister, but was only partially successful as every time she had to leave on some errand or learning to hunt, the rest of the family would taunt her sister, which eventually evolved into rough-housing her sister could never keep up with, earning her many scars.

In their third year, just before Hydra's hunt rite of passage into adulthood, her family encountered a lone granthrax who decided their territory was ripe for taking over. Hydra's grandfather, the alpha, took offense and eventually killed the thrax, but not before her mother and aunt were killed. Her sister did not expect much after that and told Hydra she planned to leave the pack as she couldn't contribute anything and was next to useless. Hydra grew unhappy and pulled away from her friends, becoming quiet and wary. She continued doing what she could to help her sister, however, and helped pull together supplies for the eventual leave-taking.

A year later, Hydra returned one evening from a hunt to find her sister's body at the entrance to their cave, mangled beyond recognition. She lost it, seeing red and turned on the nearest gran, screaming bloody murder. Enraged and full of adrenaline, she was stronger than most of her family, but without control and conscious thought, Hydra was easily driven away. Not before she killed her closest cousin who had been standing too close to her when she found the body. Returning to herself, bleeding and half dead, Hydra's memories returned full-forced and she tried to take her own life in exchange for the life of her friend she'd inadvertently killed.

Hydra failed of course, eventually nursing herself back to life, though she remained reclusive and skirted the edges of her once-pack's territory. Knowing too well how the pack operated and knowing each of the hunters' quirks and ways helped to avoid detection and notice and she remained a loner for the next four years. At some point, she discovered a boa constrictor who was being toyed with by a granthrax that reminded her uncomfortably of her mother's killer. Hydra flew at the thrax and beat him off with all the fury in her little paws. Startled, the dark brown, tribal marked thrax dropped the boa and took off to find an easier meal. Hydra promptly adopted the wary snake and ignored the half-hearted hissing, feeding him from her stash of little prey she kept in a corner of her cave.

Chantilly, Hydra, Lazuli and Eridani have come to live in Sameya's deep forest glen and the four girls struck up an odd sort of friendship. Sam enjoys being the 'ghost' that haunts the forest - in a sense, protecting the others, while Hydra is their warrior and Laz is the healer.

Random facts: She likes reptiles of all kinds, but especially snakes. Her pet boa is Hissi Fit.
Stats: STR – 4 | RES – 5 | WIS – 2 | CHA – 5 | DEX – 4
Traits: Tail: UC | Ears: UC | Fangs: UC | Size: UC (small) | Eyes: UC
Mutation: N/A
Special Base: N/A


Family: sister (thought to be deceased - plot?)
Maximillian - father (has never met)

Made by: @armanie_zacharias
