


3 years, 8 months ago


Full Name: Bartell Röfsdoten

Gender: male

Birth Place: in the neutral territory town of Accrington 


Age: 32

Race: human

Eye color: blue

Hair color: ginger


Sexuality: heterosexual; widower



Parents: Gim & Bria

Siblings: none

Spouse(s): Elaine Röfsdoten

Children: Zeal Röfsdoten

Other Information

Random Facts:

  • Perverted in the sense that he'll ask any woman he sees to sleep with him. Most women decline. 


Bonds: His only son, Zeal and his passed away wife, Elaine. 

Languages Spoken: Common 



Bartell was born in Accrington, a town shrouded in a large forest. He was born the only child of an armorer, Gim and his wife, Bria, who was a tailor. Bartell never really much of a relationship with his parents as they were both fairly distant. As a child, he spent much of his time in the forest surrounding his hometown, wondering what lay beyond it. He never was able to get to the edge. He rarely ever went to school and when he did, was bullied profusely by the other children for being a human. He spent much time away from home, sometimes not coming back for days and Gim and Bria barely noticed. One day, he met a beautiful young human girl in the forest who was from the next town over, Holmfirth. Her name was Elaine. They often spent time together under the trees, sharing their stories and talking of the future. 

He grew up, finding himself falling in love with Elaine despite not being able to see her much these days. He realized he did not know how to do much of anything thanks to skipping school, so he couldn't provide for her even if he wanted to. He settled on buying himself a bar, figuring he could learn to be a barkeep. He still had no support from his parents who were wrapped up in their own things. A few weeks later, Elaine showed up in Accrington with a man at her side for a surprise visit. This man was her boyfriend, Mielen. After the surprise visit, Mielen also became one of Bartell's best friends. A while past and Elaine found herself entwined with Bartell, cheating on Mielen with him. Elaine broke things off with Mielen as Mielen had found out about the infidelity of his girlfriend when he walked in on Bartell and Elaine.

Proposing and getting married to Elaine was the next step of his life. Mielen attended the wedding but then disappeared, not speaking to them. They moved into the house above Bartell's bar. Bartell fell in love with his life and seemed very happy to everyone looking in. They started a family, Elaine giving birth to Bartell's son, Zeal. Two years, after Zeal's birth, the worst had come to pass. Elaine hadn't come home from shopping one fateful day. Bartell began searching for his wife and found her corpse, along with an angry dragonborn standing over her with a blood-soaked blade.