


I don’t know if I could interpret their design as an existing mythological creature,, if you know something that could work in any culture's mythology, pls tell me! <3 

In an urban fantasy, he’d be a rescuer for snowy mountain terrains. He’d especially help rescue and rehabilitate animals that can be found in these areas, but he also helps whenever skiers get stuck in avalanches of snow or such! It’s much easier to send him than an helicopter, and he’s very effective. He’s not an icon or anything like that, but the local newspapers and the TV often talk about him because of his rescues. He’s very kind and humble and most people like him, he’s got a good reputation amongst the townspeople, he’s very respected. He's pretty sportive himself and like skiing and flying amongst other things. I think his main job would be at a wildlife rehabilitation center, but yeah he does do some varied quick jobs on occssions, he might work part time at a skying center.

 He loves animals and being in nature. Birds of prey are his favorite animals to work on rehabilitating due to the however small connection he shares with them, like a mermaid would with fish. A lot of people are hesitant with them and just let him take care of those. He gets along well with animals, he understands their behavior, and does his best so they understand him too. Sometimes when taking hikes into the mountains he sees animals they rehabilitated and it makes him super happy. He wishes he could go fly with the birds sometimes, but it’s not good for them to get too attached.