Andrian Fillimoshka



3 years, 8 months ago


Andrian Fillimoshka

Captivating, Crafty, Daring

  • NameAndrian Fillimoshka
  • Alias-
  • Age37?
  • Height163 cm
  • OccupationTattoo Artist, Trickster
  • TitleSir
  • Lodging 

A rather weird devil, Andrian prefers being a magician or sort at Mahogany Hall, playing tricks to the audience. Not many trust him as a devil, but most agreed his a really good tattoo artist. Not really playing in any side but himself, after his encounter with an Absconding Devil who dared to walk himself off a lonely path where Brass Embassy hunt him, Andrian curious of what could trigger such choice for the gentlemen. A passion, or was it stupidity?, his seeking for answer found him an information about certain game called The Marvelous that could give the winner whatever they want. Driven by curiosity and greed, he continue to seek for the game. Wondering if he can find what he seek by playing The Marvelous.

Information and Quirks
  • Soul

  • Sweets
  • Pranks
  • Carnivals

  • Rubbery Man
  • Liar
  • Ugly Things
  • Coffee











  • Whilst Andrian loved souls, he loved it in different sense as usual devil does as in Soul Trade. He is in fact does not do Soul Trade, he thinks Soul are magnificent Infernal thing, source of all arts, craft and beauty of what can be created in London, source of chaos and order, he liked soul better when its inside someone. And just like any devil, Andrian is pretty honest guy.
  • Andrian loves Muscaria Brandy.
  • Andrian has high taste in things, though he never really cared much on what people think of him.
  • Andrian is considered young for a devil.
  • Andrian is quite phylosophical himself, though if asked question about life itself makes him reconsider his life- he say no, he is quite content at where he is now. He is simply entertained by phylosophical question itself.
  • Andrian always carry two curved knives with him for means of self defense. He is proficient in knives and also staves with a little bit of sword-play. He has some experience in gun but don't rely on him too much when it comes to aiming with gun.
  • Andrian is wears some piercings, though it is considered weird and strange by Londoners, he doesn't quite care of what they think.
  • Designer [info]
  • Obtained by [info]
  • Valu [info]
  • Reference [info]

  • Euismod taciti amet litora volutpat platea, fermentum auctor pellentesque fusce.
  • Quam lobortis sociosqu per nam consectetur taciti aliquam est mi?
  • Cubilia tellus fusce cursus turpis tellus, sed inceptos ridiculus facilisi.
  • Sit suspendisse amet mus tempus nisi posuere potenti adipiscing fusce.
  • Amet blandit rhoncus sagittis amet sociis neque dictum auctor vivamus?

Ambition : Heart's Desire

His search of The Marvellous lead him to one of the player, The Bishop, who then tell him more about the rest two of the player. Of course he need to find other player to play. The first player he find is The Topsy King, which he found out that he was a violinist, composer, a scholar. He grew some strange respect with the King even though he speak in blabberish riddles. <story will be added more as it continues>

A Trickster And A Tattoo Artist

Andrian was somehow tangled in The Great Game of sort by his own will, mostly with the courier and messenger. Secrets is his currencies. He has sort become middleman in the game with no side to pick but himself. His connection are mostly with criminals and urchins, from above and underground of London, their eyes scatters. Other than The Great Game, he also plays at Mahogany Hall or Mrs. Plenty's Carnival as magicians, or sometimes normal tattoo artists.

Current Situation

Currently living in a townhouse, he likes to explore London. Ocassionally being found in The Flit meeting with Topsy King and some Ragged Man. He also visit Mahogany Hall as crew to help the magicians and Mrs. Plenty's Carnivals for her carnival.

Some other times, he can be found under light of Veilgarden, though bohemians doesn't believe that devils would have anything for art and such, he has taken interest in Mr. Slowcake's book, and Mr. Slowcake himself also has taken interest with him, especially his connection of devilness and art.

Though with Andrian's different stand in Soul Trade, he rarely refuse invitation for a hunt from fellow devil. A fun sport, he thinks. Needleworks has always been devils's art speciality, though in Andrian's case, it's needleworks on skin.

Relations              Faction
Vatikan                          Tomb Colonist

Met in Forgotten Quarter twice, Andrian is interested in Vatikan's story across the zee, one especially that has mention of Mount Palmerston. Their acquaintance grew after he met the third time where he find Vatikan is "retiring", having pity for the man's lack of taste- he introduce vatikan to Mahogany Hall and its light and arts.


amara                                     Bohemians

Met During one play of The Great Game. Was one of "fan" of Amara's work, sure- not a super big fan, but he read couple of Amara's work and he recognize him and interested in his style of writing. They both mostly connected because of artistic integrity, though it is not rare for them to exchange some information, Andrian even give a special price just for Amara because of course, he is his favourite human.



Some Bohemians are against him, though some manage to separate the artist with their work. Andrian's work usually consist theatre and some magic tricks.


The Church

The Church and hell are always against each other.


The Constables

Andrian has been on good side of law, though some constable might have bias against devils.



Despite to be his own faction, a conflict is unescapable. Some other devils shun him for his act to not getting involved in Soul Trade and the way he sees Souls in general. But its his closest faction of all, devils have to flock together afterall.



For a pretty and smooth talker man like Andrian, its not hard to sway some young or even old polite member of society. Though he never offer them infernal contract, no. Well- perhaps if anything, he'd like to prank some asshole.


Tomb Colonies

He has lack of interaction with this faction (aside from Vatikan), he has bias againt their old, dusty and crumply figure.  


The Widow

Has been in her good side for a while. She is aware of "do not trust the devil", but Andrian has proven himself worthy by always putting his own end of bargain in time.


The Criminals

Knows good number of them, tend to be not too interested in them. Some are usually his client as tattoo artist, some criminals like to carve some sort of symbols or code in their body. Perhaps a symbolism, perhaps it's a code to communicate.


The Docks

Also pretty neutral, people from this faction also tend to be his client as tattoo artist. Either to carve the zee's nightmare in them, or a reminder of what keeps them alive.


The Great Game

Another faction who also tend to be his client, usually regarding on decoding the code. Whilst Andrian's knowledge has limit, but it was quite an information for those who seek, and of course- he has price for everything.


The Duchess

He is very good at entertaining the Duchess, while he has sort of soft spot for her cats too. If he has to choose between Widow or The Duchess, he would pick The Duchess.


Rubbery Man

Hates them. Disguisted by them.



Neutral on them, but has sort of strange interest as well. Considering Hell's not so good relation with Bazaar, it's interesting to see how they going to ruin Bazaar.



Accustomed to the urchins's custom, he is more interested of what does they hear from the sky as most urchin pray or at least speak to The Storm. Whilst he still unable to tell what is in the sky, the urchin seems to tolerate him and liked that he often come by to show some of his magic trick to entertain them.


The Universities

His knowledge of The Correspondence interest them, especially Benthic College. Though Andrian is not at all interested in what the Universities trying to achieve.


The Masters of Bazaar 

Considering The Master's relation to Hell that attempt to colonize Hell while devil live there thus causing conflict. Andrian has its bias against them.
