Estella Esposito



7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Cis Female


Biromantic (?) Asexual



Special Abilities

She has glass butterfly wings that only appear when she is near Middlemist Camellia (it is a type of flower that can be grown in Britian) her wings has Rose Quartz on it. Besides flying, Estella doesn't have much though she does like to think she's pretty good at taking care of Middlemist Camiella. She definitely totally understands this flower to its core and did not kill the first couple she found in minutes (Fine, she was just excited and flowers are shockingly weak... or something like that). Of course, she never found them in the wild again because they are so rare. She managed to... procure some from the greenhouse they were protected in and grow her own garden. Red Middlemist is the most effective for her flight. Perhaps this is because of its increased rarity?


Overbearingly friendly, jumpy/fidgety, easily bored and tired (and the more boring something is the faster she gets tired. She calls it the "Yawn factor"), naive to an extent; she just loves to think the best of people (but never expect to fool her the same way twice!)


The sky in all its forms from the clearest blue to the dark grey thunder clouds (they sure look fluffy, but experience has taught her that flying through them only mists her wings and frizzes her hair), having her hair brushed, telling stories (mostly truthful, but she enjoys weaving in the occasional exaggeration. It's not like it harmed anyone; just adding some spice to the story!)


Having to untangle knots in hair after a day of play, everyday life (when nothing changes it's the worst), actually hurting someone (jokes about people push this boundary and jokes on people cross it)

Theme Song

She wishes it was Defying Gravity because of the song's elegance which she wants to match with her flying, but it's probably more like Come Fly with Me. Yes, this on is still controlled, but its underlying excitement and want to share the experience really embody her more.


Estella was completely unaware of her ability for the longest time due to well... being born in Italy and not England where the flowers that fed her power grew. When her family first moved, she was pretty upset and sulky. Sure, she liked making new friends, but what about all her old friends?
Upon arriving, Estella spent the first few days in England sulking. Everybody knew she would get over it, so they simply didn't prod her about it. She was upset because they were totally. Right.
She left the house of her own accord on the third day.
While exploring her new home, Estella found herself drawn to an open field. This was somewhat odd to her. She greatly enjoyed running around fields with friends, but sitting in a big field by herself just felt lonely... and kind of lame to be honest.
Nevertheless, Estella found herself in the middle of the field in no time at all. Once there, she immediately noticed a rosy patch of flowers a mere few tens of meters away. She wasn't sure why it felt so special, but only one way to find out! In retrospect, her next move could not be said to be her smartest one in the world. It wasn't like she spent a lot of time thinking things through regularly though.
As Estella bounded toward the small patch of unassuming  flowers, she felt an odd itch in her back. She shrugged it off and sprinted even faster. Her foot contacted about ten meters away from the flower, and the itch was replaced with the tearing sound of the back of her dress and a whoosh as dainty glass wings sprouted from her back. Unfortunately for her, lack of preparation, her own momentum, and a poorly timed gust of wind carried her skyward.
A small eek sound escaped from her throat as she flew higher and higher. It seemed her body had become lighter than normal as well to help her flight and she had no idea how to work these win-
They disappeared. 
Estella plummeted toward the earth and now she was actually screaming. Luckily, the the wind hadn't carried her far from the flower, so as she drew nearer, she got caught in it's aura again and the resprouting of her wings managed to slow her descent. Awkwardly, she flapped them out of unison while reaching toward the floor with her feet. She immediately closed her wings after touching the ground--she had already learned her lesson.
Now, Estella proceeded more cautiously toward the pink spot on the ground. She had a hunch she knew what happened and she would gather a couple of the flowers to bring home and ask some questions, maybe do some research if she wasn't feeling lazy. Of course, these didn't last very long. Eventually, she would learn how to grow her in as well as how to keep them alive in pouches so she could fly with them near her side at all times. However, all those technicalities didn't matter at the moment. This was new, and this was exciting!
Something They'd Say: " I just LOVE that the sky's a hop away. For anybody! We're surrounded by sky after all because the sky must begin after the ground ends, right? What else is there?"