


3 years, 8 months ago


Solvarg was a renowned blacksmith of Ga'hoole. He crafted the Night Talons, a pair of battle claws so sharp and expertly forged that they could be heated in a fire and worn without burning the wearer. These battle claws were reserved for Barran, who was the queen of Ga'Hoole during his servitude. But Solvarg's heart had grown twisted from Jurheim's betrayal, and he would frequently steal the Night Talons for himself.

Solvarg hunted down Tytonidae younglings in an effort to dwindle the Pure Ones' successors and recruits. He would target them whether they were Pure One trainees or not; in his eyes, all Tytos were a threat, even if they didn't yet follow Metal Beak's cause. He became discreetly known as the Moon Hunter, for his only victims were young, white faced barn owls. His killings eventually even became a concern to Ga'hoole, although Solvarg himself had not been formally suspected of these murders.

Solvarg was eventually caught by Boron, Barran's husband and Solvarg's mentor, who had noticed that the queen's battle claws would go missing during the day. Boron had been studying and searching for the Moon Hunter. After receiving a lead, Boron found the murderer leaving one of their crime scenes. He attacked them from above and subsequently discovered the perpetrator to be Solvarg.

Boron was torn, as he had treated Solvarg as one of his own. In an effort to protect both Ga'hoole and his former apprentice, Boron pried the Night Talons from Solvarg and broke one of his wings so that he would be incapable of flying back to Ga'hoole. The snowy owl then threatened to reveal his deeds should Solvarg ever return, and left the former blacksmith injured and stranded in the forest.

Solvarg would later be taken in by Glauxian Brothers. They tended to his injuries and nursed him back to health. His time with them would slowly mend his hatred for Tytos, and his bloodthirsty sense of justice subsided. Upon hearing of Boron and Barran's passing, Solvarg eventually left the Glauxian brothers to return to Ga'hoole and serve under the new Tyto king, Coryn.