


3 years, 6 months ago

Basic Info




personality: he thinks hes cool but hes not full of himself, just generally thinks people dont understand him(which is why tungsten is his singular friend), hes nonchalant but not easy going?? gets upset when things dont go right the first time. he is EXTREMELY insecure but hes Working on it, mostly about his height and build, he tries to make up for those things by being competitive and making sure hes not a pushover

relationships: tungsten is his bestfriend, hes got some enimies to lovers thing going on with helium, min is just an isotope but they treat eachother like siblings

aesthetics: monocrhomatic colour schemes, red and grey(but mostly grey), metal objects/decor 

favourites: content with doing nothing/ relaxing outside or something, REALLY spicy food, those weird purple tortilla chips, ,,,,,,hummus, savory food

unfavourites: cherries, really overly sweet food,  those really big squishy chairs that engulf you when you sit in them

age: 23

height: 5"8


story: before he lived with tungsten, sometimes he would sleep on the couch at mins house, he met tungsten because he needed an occupation and knew she produced and sold drugs(the drugs is more in relation to electrons...its not like human stuff..bruh lore) so they made an agreement that he would only do the dealing so tungsten could stay in her lab all the time and focus on making stuff 

after helium lost an electron and al miraculously met him(long story..... i am not typing all that) a lot of attention got brought to their business(bc helium noble gas) and a really well meaning scientist called dr yttrium starts investigating, and busts them. tungsten ends up blaming al for everything out of panic, basically, al starts running, and manages to escape. tungsten does not. on his way out of the main town(being chased by yttrium), he passes helium who gets yelled at by yttrium(he is in trouble too), so helium starts running with al, they both escape but al is really angry that helium followed him

and then antics ensue