


7 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


heart (gabriel/gabe)


boy but also, does not care (he/they)




5'11 - shapin up some muscles do to that trainin grind


friendly, feels emotions strongly and gets caught up in other peoples paces often, no filter


a pretty decent cook! also good at memorization/busywork

first impression

oh he's super energetic and kind of weird but in an endearing way! and he keeps holding my hand?


in e-vergree-n group on dA !


ethnicity: 1/8 chinese, 3/8 white, 1/2 mexican
nationality: united states (?)

age 0-4:
- doted on by his rich ass heart surgeon father, head of a hospital (it's laine)
- dressed up in all sorts of fancy clothes... dresses, full mini-velvet tuxes, etc.
- his non-relative auntie cherry also gave him a bunch of stuff... mostly.... anatomy manuals
- thought he was The Shit

age 5-10
- entered public school due to smth like "learning to deal with the common folk" (still had private tutors)
- enrolled in gymnastics and violion lessons and golf idk rich people shit
- caught sight of mallow scrawling's emo ass and immediately fell head over heels
- realised his dad was actually... kind of controlling? how to dress, what to eat, forcing him into a ton of studies - started resenting it

age 11-17
- middle school actually went by pretty well - he made pals and he was sociable and had good friends
- dropped gymnastics but kept violin
- was given scientific journals as rewards for good grades. did not enjoy them
- joined a band in an attempt to get mallow to notice him... was not given that attention
- but someone else gave him that attention ahahhaahhahahhahahhahahah fuck
- hint: it was one of his dad's coworkers
- positive: man ... hell's ktichen and chopped are such good shows.... starts cooking his own meals (his dad: MY SWEET ANGEL! IM SO PROUD!) 

age 18-21
- enrolled in a pretty nice university as a biology major but switched to undeclared as soon as he could
- took a lot of philosophy, creative writing, and history classes
- due to these classes, made a lot of friends with hipsters
- switched to veganism because they told him to lmao

age 22
- oh SHIT the world's ending
- project deep sleep allows people to be frozen and awoken later, he wasn't chosen
- haha jk of course he was chosen (his father lied and paid for him to go)

age 22
- woke up in a cave in the middle of a cave-in due to worms making an earthquake; no memories
- currently living in the village of evergreen, he's part of the kitchen/storage duty
- making some pals, he likes the village & as cook he gets to talk to everyone
- meets prince and horatio mainly through crossing a bridge to a terrible forest full of stabby bugs
- thinks prince is THE SHIT (follows her around like a puppy, they become good friends)
- thinks horatio is also THE SHIT (they become best friends)
- thinks basil and pitch are also THE SHIT (some of his favourite pals)
- horatio goes thru some stuff and heart is pissed as hell
- then heart gets assaulted and that triggers him - mental health starts getting shaky
- prince gets killed and heart is absolutely angry - he and pitch saws off nistya (the killer)'s head
- also just general ... he's in love with horatio but horatio has a bf?