

The single mom.

independent // ambitious // loving

Story: Catband
Setting: New York City, 2007
Created: 2019


Full Name Emma Brown Age 20 Species Human
Nicknames None Birthday October 9, 1986 Gender Female
Prefers Emma Zodiac Libra Pronouns She/Her
Character Group ??? Religion ??? Sexuality Straight
Group Role ??? Background African-American Relationship Status Single
Day Job College student Birthplace ??? Living Situation With her parents and daughter

Emma found out she was going to be a mom much earlier than she ever expected, but even though the dad isn't in the picture, she has no regrets. Her two-year-old daughter, Natalie, is her world, and everything she does is to make her, and their, lives better.

Emma is lucky enough to have wonderfully supportive parents, who help her take care of Natalie while she pursues her college degree.

Emma doesn't think her life is missing anything, but when Natalie's father unexpectedly reappears in her life, she'll have to decide if it's worth a reunion.

Height: 5'0"/152cm Build: Average, petite
Eyes: Dark brown Hair: Dark brown, natural
Handedness: Right Style: Smart

Emma dresses neatly and smartly, never sloppy, but never anything but practical.

Coding by hedgemaze, lowkeywicked, & WeltDerAthanasie // See gallery for image credits