
3 years, 8 months ago


Lisa is a shapeshifting owl demon with a specialty towards real animals

Lisa is a calm but strict individual. She wants what's best for you, but often resorts to pretty harsh tactics to accomplish this. She used to have a god complex and view herself as right almost all the time, but Voltaire humbled her quite a bit. Nowadays, she tries to sympathize with people more, and understand what they're going through before trying to make a move, although old habits die hard sometimes...


  • Shapshifting: Lisa can take any form she desires. The form she has right now is considered her default
    • As she specializes in real animals, she can shapeshift into things like bats, wolves and owls with ease. Yes this does mean she can change her form to appear more human, but when she hardly leaves the manor, why bother with one?
  • Feral carnage: at Will, Lisa can allow her demonic side to take control and devour anything, usually humans. Doing this, while making her a messier eater as a result will cause any food she eats to satiate her more than normal.

6'6" || 1,100 years || heavy || Demon blood


  • Straight to the core, taken by Voltaire.
    • Although, there have been rumors that she was unfaithful to her husband, but killed whoever she was sleeping with out of guilt or anger. Some believe Cascade was a result of that affair but evidence of this is very minimal.
  • When going into Feral carnage, she usually turns into a wolf.
  • Wants to mend the strained relationship between herself and Cass, but good luck to her with that, as she did almost kill him by locking him in a freezer in some attempt to get him to learn how to manipulate didn't work, mind you.