Zekzom Nevril



3 years, 7 months ago


Your name is ZEKZOM NEVRIK and you’re 13 sweeps old, though most don’t seem to believe you when you tell them that. You’ve got a bit of a wriggler face, you guess, and you’re a bit on the SHORT side. You like VIDEO GAMES, specifically in the HORROR/PUZZLE GENRE, and MUSIC…though your playlist is almost entirely show tunes, but you’re a little embarrassed to admit it, sometimes. Sure, you got some game soundtracks and a couple popular songs on there but, what can you say? You like MUSICALS. Maybe you’d even like to be in one some day. Your voice actually isn’t too bad. But despite you generally EXTROVERTED personality, you don’t sing in public. No way. Anyway, You don’t like HORROR MOVIES. Weird, right? You just feel better being in the driver’s seat, so to speak. 

Oh, and sometimes your psionics go a little WEIRD and things get kinda fuzzy and static-y and…you think you’re hearing voices? It’s…hard to tell sometimes…and hard to remember. It started after that big storm a few sweeps ago when your husktop gave you that super nasty SHOCK - your hands got super messed up from it and you spent ages in the hospital. The sounds get louder around your husktop…they’re not scary, really. But they’re hard to make out. You’re more concerned with the way electronics tend to abruptly turn on or off when you’re around.

pronouns: they/them

trollhandle: voltaicIntimation

strife specibus: controller-kind

Height: 5’4

Lusus: kangaroo mouse


♥ - Empty

♦ - Empty

♣ - Empty

♠ - Empty

Canon sign: Gemun