Zekzom Nevril's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

nightlustrous Global Rules


Please no not give my designs to anyone on my blacklist! I'm not comfortable with these people owning my designs. Reasons for each block are given on the blacklist page.

Please don't upsell my designs without permission.

Don't sell them for more than you bought them for, unless you have commissioned art for them. Gift art/trades don't count.

If you're getting a design from me with the intent to flip them, please tell me first & offer something? No freeblie flipping, please!

Please don't delete my designs.

If you are no longer interested in a character you've gotten from me, please don't delete them! Send them back and I'll rehome them.

Please don't transfer my designs off-site, I need to keep track of them. If the person you want to trade them to doesn't have a TH account, I can get a join code for them!

Please don't edit my art.

If you want to change a design, please do so in a new drawing and don't edit the original. You are free to colour in any lineart you get from me, but leave my credit in it.