
Aoi Hebi

  • Nicknames: Hebi
  • Species: Lamia
  • Gender: Male
  • Pronouns: He/Him
  • Age: 26
  • Birthday: October 22nd
  • Height: 6'1"
  • Relationship Status: Single
  • Sexuality: Bisexual
  • Power type: Varied, but mainly uses abilities that make use of his animal characteristics, and/or enhances them
  • Alignment: Neutral Good, leans chaotic
  • Voice claim: Doug Erholtz

Personality: Witty; Observant; Cynical; A tad bitter; Puts up a front to hide how kind he actually is

About: Aoi Hebi grew up in a not-so-ideal situation. Being surrounded by a clutch of (literal) alcoholic snakes that hate your guts for being you will get to your head eventually, so by the time Hebi was 10 years old, he'd had enough, and left the house to live on his own from then on. After that, he managed to pick up the pieces, and regained his hope for the world in time that he thought he'd completely lost. He refuses to associate with the ideals of the lamias in his village, and began staying in his fully humanoid form ever since he was out on his own, only transforming back into his snake form under certain circumstances. Catch Hebi sleeping the time away or hanging out with his friends, and also ready to tell you many a life story of his.

Extra Info

  • His main unofficial portrayal has him in a polyamorous relationship with Akabi and their friend Midoriya
  • He grew up with Midoriya and Akabi, and they were the ones to help him take care of himself the most as they grew up
  • He has a love for leather clothing, along with a clothing style that makes him look like he wants to relive the early 2000s era of Hot Topic
  • He has a want to become an idol and sing for people. This dream started when a close childhood friend of his lost her life in an accident, and he took on her dream to keep it, along with her memory, alive and thriving
  • He's way more observant, calm, and kind than he wants to be, and puts up a sassy and dumb tough guy front to try and hide that part of him. He'll still help people that need it despite this, and give advice when it's asked for
  • He has a secret love for softer and cuter things, as shown by a love of pastel blues, and a fondness for San-X and Sanrio characters. He has a little Rilakkuma plush at home that he gets out to hug when he's alone and having a hard time
  • When he's upset, if it's bad enough, he'll suddenly spread his legs and squat to prevent transforming back into his snake form. He does this as a preventative measure, and doesn't care how silly it looks, because he'll transform without meaning to if his legs touch at all. He's lost quite a few favorite pairs of jeans because of this
  • Even if he doesn't say it, one of his favorite sensory feelings are soft things, and one of his favorite ways to feel something soft right away is to give Midoriya headpats and ruffle his hair
  • He can speak three languages: the native language from his village, English, and Japanese. He avoids speaking his village's language as much as possible, and as a result, he's begun to forget the language. At this point, he understands it better speaking it than reading it, and has trouble understanding writing in the language quite often
  • When in his snake form, he's not near as tired as he is otherwise, due to his type of lamia being able to stay awake for long periods of time. However, it tends to exaggerate how much more tired they all feel in their human form, even if Hebi is way more used to it than they are and less tired than them. He still understands how they feel, though
  • The coloration of his scales when in his snake form are that of a blue racer, though despite that, his bite is venomous, and his size is much larger than that of a blue racer lamia. His family's specific subspecies of snake is unknown, due to how many varying traits they have of vastly different types of snakes
  • Even in his human form, he has the ability to cause harm with his bite by injecting venom, and can control when he does it much easier in his human form as well. He can still control it in his snake form, but for some reason, he sometimes can't quite catch himself and prevent his venom from coming out when biting something. Luckily he's made this mistake enough in small amounts through his life to build up an immunity to his own venom, so he doesn't accidentally poison himself if he were to release venom while eating something
  • He still has fangs and a forked tongue in his human form, and he has the ability to control the ends of his tongue freely. His favorite way of showing people he has a forked tongue is to twist the ends around each other.
  • He can tie a cherry stem with his tongue with ease, and has been able to do so his entire life. That was how he trained his ability to move the ends of his tongue separately so well in the first place
  • He can still unhinge his jaw in his human form, though he doesn't do so very often out of being too nervous to risk tearing his skin. His skin is far more flexible in his snake form, so he can unhinge his jaw without worry of his skin ripping apart from it
  • His left eye is the same type of golden color as commonly seen in humanoid demons. He lost his original left eye in an accident he doesn't remember the details of, though that's for his own good; it was forcibly taken from him and replaced, and his memory of the incident completely wiped. He wouldn't forgive the one that stole it, were he to remember what happened and who did it
  • Hebi isn't his actual family name. His family's actual last name is Togashi, it's just that his parents had hated him before his birth, so they didn't allow him to share the family name

Character rules:

  • NSFW is definitely permitted, but I'd like to be credited for creating the character and shown whatever is done every time NSFW content of any kind is made
  • Shipping with the character is absolutely fine, as long as it isn't anything gross (like with an underage character, obviously) or going against the character's established info (like shipping a gay character with the opposite gender)
  • Using the character for violence and gore is permitted, but I'd like to be shown whatever is created with them. I don't mind gore and can handle it
  • This character is NOT to be used for any hate speech, or political propaganda
  • Commercial use of the character in ANY way is FORBIDDEN. This definitely includes linking to the media with ad links and putting it behind any sort of paywall or something similar (i.e Patreon)
  • If you are unsure about anything mentioned in these rules or otherwise, PLEASE ask me, and I'll be happy to answer