Auriga £143 (Qrow)



3 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info

Original Value

900 pc


Owner: Puddle
Number: 11
Granthrow: Auriga
Name: Qrow
Gender: Female
Personality: Loyal to a fault, Qrow loves Auri with every bone in her tiny body and will do everything she can, and is more than willing to attempt what she can't or has never done. She's a little on the ditzy side and trips over her tail (and other things) often, but usually manages to turn it into a roll to get the cubby or Auriga to laugh. She loves exploring and finding new berries to eat and has a tendency to hoard berries if she isn't watched. As a result, Qrow's a little plump. Auri sometimes rolls her little friend around like a ball, which makes them both laugh.
History: She found the xanthera just after Auriga's surprise pregnancy from the loner, Rummy and decided to help the new mother out, foraging for food and finding little nooks of warm cave for the pair to cuddle up. When little Taellus came along, Qrow was more than happy to help babysit to give Auri some sleep, teaching the cub how to forage and avoid larger predators. When the mysterious stranger cropped up, Qrow almost went with the cub to help protect him, but decided Auri needed her more than Rummy did and stayed with the xan, much to Auri's surprise, delight and gratitude. Since then, she's kept Auri company (hah...), though she's a bit more reserved when it comes to Li, but she rather likes the reserved older cat.
Traits: Ears: L | Eyes: UC | Tail: R | Size: C
Stats: Foraging - 6 | Scavenging - 3 | Hunting - 6 | Crafting - 5