


3 years, 7 months ago


Leónidas "Leo" Romero 

Semielfo, mago-druida multiclass, curandero del pueblo 

Mago de escuela de Abjuración. Druida del círculo de la tierra. 

Un señor con mucha paciencia, tanto como para criar a szuran como para vivir la vida, es algo que aprendió de observar la naturaleza. 

En lo que consideran los semielfos aun es algo jovenzuelo. 

Vende medicinas hechas a mano, y solo trata directamente heridas menores o como primeros auxilios. 

No vive con mucho, pero no le frustra, prefiere arreglar lo que se rompe a comprar cosas nuevas.

Warm, gentle, likes cooking


Leónidas "Leo" Romero 

Half-elf, Wizard-druid multiclass, healer/medicine man of the town

Abjuration wizard. Druid Circle of the Earth.

A man with a lot of patience, he's as patient for living life as for raising Szuran, it's something he learnt from watching nature.

He's still pretty much a youngster in the eyes of other half-elves.

He sells home-made medicine, and only treats small injuries or helps in emergencies.

Doesn't need much to live, and it's not something that frustrates him. He prefers to fix things before buying new ones.

If you would like to add any flourish, nature/plant themed things are good.