


3 years, 7 months ago



Name windcrest
Called wind, wynne (human au)
Age 49 moons
Gender male (he/him)
Clan ...
Sexuality bisexual
Role pain in the ass
Theme Song link

windcrest is a name well known around fickleclan's territory, and quite possibly even beyond that as his fame often preceeds him - and not in a good way. he haunts from place to place, often leaving a trail of trouble in his path. he is the brother to aspenstream; a charistmatic deputy that has won over many people's favours. ha. he couldn't come close to goody two-shoes over there. unlike aspenstream who has found security and a home within the clan, windcrest can't stand them. he feels bound by the traditions and overall structure after being raised by a particularly harsh group of rogues and very early on in his life, learning to fend for himself and trust no one. he craves the security a clan could give him and yet pushes it away with something that can only be described as panic, when you get to know him. wind loves his brother aspen dearly but... clearly struggles to show this in a healthy way. he's prone to using his anger for his own protection, chasing others away before they even get a chance. in the same vein as his tenacious nature, windcrest is drive by the promise of competition - there are few things he hates more than losing. this has propelled him forward at many points in his life and wind owes a lot of his skills and confidence to this trait, no matter how many times it has caused him bother. windcrest's nature is changable and often erratic at times. he is somehow fluid and rigid at the same time: it's difficult to know how he'll act in any given situation.


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windcrest is built small on the scale, embarrassingly enough for him. he more than makes upf or his height with his snark. he is muscled, but more so in the way that he's forgone perhaps one to many a meals over his life and is on the stragglier side of things. he is of oriental descent - he has a more sharp angular face and bigger ears than average, though he did not inherit the smooth coat: it is scurffy in places. his coat is a short-haired seal lynx point with azure blue eyes.


seperated when very young, it's fair to say aspen got the better end of the stick. windcrest was taken in by a large band of rogues; quite militaristic and violent. he had to learn very quick to fend for himself - if we wasn't seen as useful, well... he would be disposed of. which wasn't the issue, surprisingly. windcrest is without a doubt talented, but his stubborn nature got in the way. he spoke up perhaps one too many times about the atrocities going on within the group and fell in conflict with the very cat that initiated him there - the leader. wind was just a kit - just breaching apprentice age. no harm done, right? he'll learn his lesson and - no, not that easy. forced into a duel to the death against a seasoned adult warrior, wid suffered great injury (the scars to his face) and turned heal and managed to escape by the skin of his teeth. for weeks, maybe months after the incident, patrols were sent out to even hunt him was promised that if he ever show his face again, he'll be killed. windcrest didn't doubt that for a second, but it also didn't stop that treacherous seed from taking root in his mind - he's going to tear them all to the ground. tbc


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ASPENSTREAM [ brother ]

conflicted feelings.


ANGEL [ .... ex? ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

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