Jade Adela



7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




J (Kim, Drake) Adela (Lucy) Jadey-Baby (Mira) Mom (Cody)


Human (Mutant)

Mutant Ability

Earth Mimicry


December 27th








The leader of the Adela Mutant Group: a travelling band of castaways that seek isolated mutants in order to give them a home. Jade started this group to try and advocate for her kind, but it seems like a war is brewing despite it all...






Walking, working out, collecting rocks, pottery, Mira Valerius, Cody Omar, moments of unity


Disorder, confusion, being mislead or tricked, Lucy Pending, humans who look upon mutants with contempt and hate.


Since the end of the Robotic Revolution, humanity has trained its hatred on their mutant counterparts. Fearing for their safety in a world which almost wiped them clean, the humans reclaimed their cities and took sanctuary within them; casting mutants out into the wasteland. The humans feared their abilities, and found that their dangerous presence may further hinder the growth of their numbers. With the wall between them built, decades passed, and more mutants were born and cast out into the barren desert everyone once called home.

Jade Adela knows this story far too well. Born into the sanctuary, and cast out as a child, she struggled for survival in the sandy landscapes that surrounded the human cities. If it were not for the groups of mutants that welcomed her, she claims that she would not have survived. Now a grown adult, and leading a mutant group of her own, Jade looks to repay the life-debts she owes. She hopes find a way to mend the divide between human and mutant. She wants no one else to suffer the way she has, nor in the ways of the countless others in her group. 

Physical Description:

Jade is a tall woman with a built, muscular build. In some parts of her body, stone like patterns emerge on the surface of her skin.

She has long, uneven cut black hair and red eyes. She is the NE Equivalent of Hispanic.

Jade's mutant ability works in both passive and active aspects. She has the ability to turn her entire body (as well as chosen parts) to stone, giving her increased strength, durability and of course weight. Jade effectively turns herself into a stone Golem, and becomes a pillar of power both offensive and defensive. Her speed in hindered while using her ability, and obviously she cannot swim while using it. The power also has a passive aspect. When Jade gets pierced by a weapon, the weapon will hit "stone" and not go farther than breaking the skin. She can be broken and can be killed with excessive force, but when it comes to basic blows? She is very hard to knock down. Jade used to strictly use this ability for defense, as the weight of her limbs would be too much for her young body to handle. However, Jade trains herself to handle the weight, and can now attack in her Golem for minutes; up to an hour if she really pushes it.

She has dyed the longer side of her black hair red, to match her eyes. Sometimes, she must go on long treks to find hair dye, but her girlfriend Mira loves the streak and therefore it’s worth it.


Jade is a pinnacle leader, and cautious type who everyone treats with respect. Tough when she needs to be, but also kind when it's needed, Jade Adela cares for everyone in her group and fights for their rights to live on a daily basis.

Organized and practical, Jade is a diplomatic person whose charm can easily gain the trust of the most guarded of mutants. Her years in the wasteland, travelling from group to group, has given her experience with people that she knows how to use. She's quiet, yes, but doesn't mind conversation and will often go out of her way to make sure others are comfortable. She can work a room. She's got a dry sense of humor and a dripping wit that can be quite alluring to some.

She does what she can, but knows her limitations. Her keen sense of judgement and danger helps keep her group alive. To her, there's more at stake than just the safety of her group--she also has to worry about her family! Her girlfriend, Mira, their adopted son, Cody...she has to lead them to safety. She's driven to create a better future for them! She uses her diplomatic social skills to try and create meetings with pro-mutant human groups on the inside, and is more than willing to work with them to try and re-introduce mutants back into human society. She wants no one else to suffer like she has, like Mira has, like Drake has, like everyone has.

But, Jade is not above holding grudges. She would protest she doesn't, but those who have gained her ire beg to differ. She doesn't forgive, she doesn't forget, and she remembers forever--she likely remembers every nasty thing Lucy Pending has ever done. Sometimes it can cloud her judgement, and make her turn down decisions that may have very well helped in the long run. She can be much too prideful to accept the help from someone she personally distastes. However, with Mira helping to ground her in these moments, Jade will change her tune. She's no fool, and even though she holds those grudges, she'll work with the person if it helps to make ends meet.

Jade has a lot of reasons to fight for the liberation and reintroduction of mutants. Some of them are personal, are many are fueled by the stories of suffering she has heard all throughout her childhood. The last straw for Jade was five years ago, when her and Mira came across the youngest mutant they'd seen discarded yet--a year old boy lying outside the wall, crying into the sand. Adding this fuel to her fire, Jade has begun to work harder than ever to try and fight for mutant rights...now, if only Pending would stop trying to mess it all up...

Strengths & Weaknesses:


Jade's biggest strength is her mutant ability, which has aided her both wittingly and unwittingly in the past. Its passive aspect has kept her from getting seriously hurt, and likely killed. It's essentially body armor, and it's stopped everything from bullets to knives. She's also incredibly versatile, and can use her ability to both attack (giving bone-crushing punches and kicks to an enemy) or defend (become a human shield for her family and friends, blocking the hits meant for them) with little harm coming to herself. She's a well-seasoned mutant, with a keen eye and a knack for identifying danger. It seems like she's got all her ducks in a row.

But her biggest liability is her speed when she's using her power. She's much faster than she used to be! However, she is still easy to out-maneuver, and some of her attacks require a lot of windup. She becomes a hulking bruiser, a tank, and thus her movement speed greatly hinders her overall effectiveness. She can get rushed by multiple attackers; she can be chipped away from a distance. Jade has worked on quickly shifting between Golem for and her normal one to allow her to move faster, but it's not good enough to where she can rely on it in a fight.

Bonus Facts:

- First met Mira when they were both young teens around 13-14 years old. Mira almost killed her outright, back then, but Jade managed to talk her way out of getting smashed to oblivion. Oh, how times have changed for these two.

- Her red eyes appear to be a mutation in the ever-changing gene-pool. She sometimes gets mistaken as someone currently going through a Manic Despair episode, but she explains there must have been some genetic mishap down her family line. Jade used to be self-conscious of her eyes, but Mira's appreciation of them has made her content with them. She understands that both her and Mira both have rare, impossible eye colors... and they should be cherished!

- Jade's biggest strife is with Lucy at the moment, and despite how much she's embittered by her troublemaking, Jade still tries to help her. Jade still remembers what Lucy was like when they found her, and honestly wants to help her get her act together. But every time she tries to help, Lucy just gets more insufferable...