Mira Valerius



7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




Mimi (Jade) Ma (Cody)


Human (Mutant)

Mutant Ability

Strength Augmentation (Can charge massive amounts of power into one part of her body)


September 24th


Libra/Virgo cusp






A member of the Adela Mutant Group: a travelling band of castaways that seek isolated mutants in order to give them a home. Once a deadly fighter for another group, Mira has given up her ways to become a support system for Jade and a second-in-command for the group.






Pranks, cooking, walking, punching stones, Jade Adela, Cody Omar, cool swords


Lucy Pending (she always tries to pick fights), harsh sunlight (its much too hot), fighting (she's a pacifist), hostility, being reminded of her bloody past


The wasteland can change a person. Some mutants get tossed out when they're young, and they harden to the world around them with chips on their shoulders. Some get outted and sent away when they're older, left to fend for themselves in a harsh new environment. Survival is never guaranteed in this world, and no matter your background, sometimes the only way to keep on living is to become the monster you'd always feared you'd become.

Mira Valerius changed herself to survive. When she was seven years old she was outted and thrown to the wolves, a delegitimized daughter of a highly prolific human family. However, her name never stopped carrying weight. When people heard the name "Valerius", the sharp chill of death would slice down their spines. Years have passed, and the name still does cause some to shudder! But really, times have changed! Mira has such a wonderful smile, and such a kind disposition! There's no way those rumors about her could be true; that she could be one of the most feared mutants in the entire wasteland...

Physical Description:

Mira is a short woman with round, but powerful build. She has very cute freckles that dot her cheeks and arms.

She has messy black-brown hair that rests at her neck, and strikingly rare yellow eyes. She is the NE Equivalent of African.

Mira's mutant ability is incredibly deadly, and easy to use. She has the ability to charge unfathomable amounts of power into one part of her body, and the resulting discharge of said power releases the complied energy into whatever she touches. This means that Mira's punches can break a person in half, or split open their head like a watermelon, or straight up send the body scattering into pieces--leaving nothing but chunks. She can effectively kill you in one punch, if she wished to. It does not take long for her to build up this amount of power. Mira can control the amount of energy she channels into a punch, so she can hit people without splattering them against the wall if need be.

When she attacks, her only tell (that she's using her ability) is when the veins in her chosen limb start to visibly glow to the point where the light is visible beneath the skin.


Mira is a ray of sunshine, and one of the most cheerful people you'll ever meet in the wasteland. If Jade is the defacto leader, then Mira is the second in command, the mother, and the nurturer of the group. She will almost always support you, as long as it doesn't go against her personal moral code.

Optimistic and kind, Mira is a bubbly woman who loves to have fun and makes the best out of any situation. A known prankster, Mira loves antics and often plays jokes on people with the help of her son, Cody, as well as other close friends of hers in the group (Kim being one of the many). She balances out Jade's serious nature, and helps ground her girlfriend with helpful advice when things start to become too much for her. Mira is the person you confide with about all your secrets, her trusting nature and motherly disposition makes her one of the most emotionally-tuned individuals in the wasteland.

Mira has always been the slightest bit naive, willing to trust anyone she views as a friend--which is most people these days. She's gullible when it comes to certain situations, and her awareness can be lacking when it comes to the big picture. While Jade is focused on the future, Mira is more in tune with the "now" and tries to tackle problems that have already presented themselves in people. Mira has been used before by people, and although she is cautious of strangers and mutants outside her group, her empathy for them ends up opening her heart faster to them--which can be bad their goal is to betray her.

Even though she is one of the happiest around, and even though she can also be one of the most gullible, this is not an invitation to underestimate Mira Valerius. A lot of outside mutants don't recognize her at a glance, but when they hear her name, they can't help but remember the terror she caused all those years ago. That bloody aspect of Mira appears to be sated, but whatever you do, don't threaten her family. If any harm comes to her son, her girlfriend, or any one of her friends, Mira becomes a terror in battle. She's a pacifist normally, and "doesn't want to bathe in blood" anymore, but if provoked Mira can unearth the killing intent buried within her and use to inflict lethal punishment. She'll feel guilty about it later, but in the moment, she'll only care about killing the enemy.

Mira cares immensely for the plight of mutants. Like Jade, she wants no one else to suffer like they have, and was one of the leading minds behind starting the Adela Group. Mira draws on her past trauma of being outted, and her terrifyingly brutal childhood, as her reasons for carrying out this mission of equality. She, more than anything, want to create a better world for her son Cody, and protect him as he grows up the world. She doesn't want any more children to have to witness the bloodshed the wasteland invokes. Sadly, a certain Lucy Pending seems to think otherwise...

Strengths & Weaknesses:


Mira's biggest strength is her mutant ability, and the terror her past and family name bring to her enemies. No one has not heard of Mira Valerius, and no one has not heard of the hundreds to thousands she slaughtered while in the company of another group. Her ability to augment strength into bursts of raw power can decapitate grown men, and render the body to chunks. This is a highly useful ability if you're looking to kill your opponent. She can also lessen the power, allowing her to stun people with her punches for a good couple of minutes (to hours ranging). She's quite the terrifying presence, and a pillar of power.

However, she's only effective at close range. Although she can close the distance pretty quickly by augmenting strength in her legs, she still can be hurt and taken down at a distance before it even comes to blows. In a fight, Mira is one of the people you have to deal with first--once she's down the Adela Group loses one of its most powerful offensive mutants. Losing her can be a huge hit. She's not invincible. Also, she can be easily duped by people she trusts, and her open heart can lead her into waltzing into dangerous situations.

Bonus Facts:

- First met Jade when they were both young teens around 13-14 years old. Jade was the first and only person to survive one punch from Mira, and also the first person to ever show her any kindness out in the wasteland...

- Her yellow eyes appear to be a mutation in the ever-changing gene-pool. She was the only person in her family to have her eyes be this yellow, and at first /that/ was thought to be her mutation. It was seen a blessing to humans. But, after she was outted, it was considered by humans to be another trick sent by the Two-Toned Devil. Of course, a menacing killer like her would be given the eyes of the Deities.

- For the last year or so, she has been gathering rocks from the abandoned cave systems that run deep beneath the surface of the wasteland. She takes them back to the Adela Group's camp, and spend her nights punching them into dust. No one knows why she does this, but she seems to have a goal...