


7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


He's younger than he looks! He seems to be in his late 50's/early 60's?


Hersh (Hero, Boss, Domino) Hershey (old code-name)



Real Name

Hershel Ramirez


April 6th








The leader of the secretive government organization known as the SDONE. After gaining the moniker of "Boss" when he retired from field work, Boss has become the mind behind every operation and directs the entire organization..






Dogs, the sound of fireworks, dense foods, coffee with cream, alcohol (his weakness is whiskey), the smell of open paint, remembering the good times, chess (he always plays black)


Blind dates, smoking, disloyalty, being put in difficult moral positions, having to choose between people/mediate between friends


The SDONE is a large organization, and one that specializes in a variety of fields. Its agents are experts in combat, espionage, and countless other skills. But, without a sound leader to guide them, to hone their talents--they may as well be back at their previous jobs. For the SDONE to run, it must have a strong backbone. A supportive and powerful force must hold the reigns and advise the agents wisely. This person must be intelligent, confident, and not be afraid to make difficult decisions. This person is given the prestigious title of "Boss", and to be in this position means that you run the SDONE in its entirety.

Hershel Ramirez had always been a follower in his youth. Seeking an outlet to escape his alcoholic mother, he fell into the lap of his estranged criminal father. Devoted to his family in spite of their flaws, Hershel's loyalty to his mission and his physical and mental fortitude caught the attention of the SDONE. They rescued Hershel from an unfortunate prison sentence, and his unshakable loyalty moved toward them--the people who saved him. Working his way up in the organization, Hershel became "Hershey", and then, became "Boss", the leader of the SDONE and one of the most important men in the country. How he morphed from a perpetual follower to a leader is a puzzle that perplexes even him, but he's not about to look a gift horse in the mouth. Finally, he's in a position to make a difference in the world, and to finally find some answers...

Physical Description:

Boss is a tall man with a weak build. He's lost his hair as a result of his past alcoholism, and has dark age spots dotted on his scalp.

If he had hair, it would be blonde (nearing white now). He has light brown eyes and is the NE Equivalent of Latino.

Boss joined the SDONE when he was a young man, just barely over eighteen. He was caught red-handed by police with millions of dollars in the back of his car, recently acquired after he and his father robbed a local bank clean. His father was caught in the initial raid, but Boss ran, and evaded police--utilizing skills that caught the attention of SDONE agents. Interested in his potential and seeing the use for someone with steadfast loyalties, the SDONE offered Boss a position...and Boss eagerly took the offer to escape the hellhole he was living in. He spent years of his life servicing the SDONE, years full of undeniable happiness and immeasurable sorrow. Now, to show for it, he's become the leader of the entire organization.

After an accident in the field, Boss was left blinded and crippled--unfit to return to active duty. He wears thick sunglasses to hide his sightless eyes, and is bound to a wheelchair.


As the leader of the SDONE, you're expected to carry an air of...professionalism. It's expected of you to be serious, pensive, logic-driven, all of the traits that embody a brooding figure at the helm of an underground organization. But, Boss has always been one to turn expectations on their heads, and boy is he the opposite of all of those traits listed above. You'd never expect someone like him to be leading, but it's for the best that he is: he insists that it's more fun this way!

Humorous and surprisingly mischievous, Boss is a man who is much more fun to work for than you would think! He enjoys teasing his employee's, and builds genuine bonds with all of his agents. Intelligent and empathetic, Boss is a true father to his men, and cares about their well-being much more than he does his own. Time weathers him, and he has experienced much in his life, but it has not taken away his smile. He values loyalty above all else, and openly communicates with all of his agents to prevent suspicion and mistrust. An open flow of information is important to him, and Boss rarely (if ever) hides anything from his agents. In his eyes, the truth is always better than nothing.

Boss is optimistic, and looks at the world with a "glass half-full" attitude. Each opportunity is a gift, and each failed one opens a new avenue to do better next time! He sees goodness in every person, regardless of their background, and tries to work with his agents to help them reach their maximum potential. Boss is a supportive force with a tenacious spirit, and he'll never give up on someone he views salvageable. If Boss believes in you, he will stick with you--through thick and thin; almost to a fault. He can win over even the most bitter and resentful of people, befriending them with ease. His personable attitude makes him a connected and powerful leader that is not to be underestimated. He can crack down and get serious when the situation desires it, but he'd much rather be having a good time--smiling and finding to goodness through all of the muck that surrounds him.

Boss can make difficult decisions, but not without great emotional strain. Boss has set aside his own thoughts for the sake of a mission--he's done it countless times, but in his old age he finds it harder to keep his feelings out of his way. He is a strong man that has weathered a barrage of emotional hardship, but it has weakened him significantly. He is more likely to act impulsively in his old age, and may need the advisement of Ambassador or another person. Occasionally, memories from his past haunt him, and depending on the situation they can distract him or even lead him astray. He's an old man lead by his heart, and his heart has only become more and more rattled as time has continued on.

It's only going to get worse. The SDONE is currently in the face of a threat that it has never seen before; an organization countering their own--piecing together the parts needed for a genuine doomsday device. Boss struggles to navigate the mine-field presented before him. He's guiding Weasel through unfamiliar territory, advising Viper in his precarious position, helping Ambassador find her way through it all, shielding DJ from the situation...but who is going to help him?

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Boss has a lot of experience, both in life and as an agent of the SDONE. He's been in the field countless times, he's gone through many trials throughout his life and they have only made him stronger. Boss is a sagacious man, and a good person to come to if you're in need of guidance. His empathy for his agents and his talent for rallying them works to his favor. He builds strong bonds with the people in his organization, and the moral he creates is one of his biggest strengths. He's a great leader, and inspires his agents to do better each day. He has incredible hearing, and despite his blindness he is good at recognizing where he is and where everyone is around him. He may be crippled, and has been out of the field for a while, but he still has his sense for danger--he takes a tactical position when it comes to missions. This aspect of his personality helps keep him out of trouble and his agents.

However, Boss has let himself go. After a certain event in his life, he stopped caring about himself. He is incredible frail, even for his age! He's completely blind and paralyzed from the waist down, as well, making him not very mobile and outright helpless in some situations. Boss is very open with the truth, except when it involves himself. He's a guarded man underneath all of his cheeriness, and despite his trusting nature--he can be rather closed off sometimes. Boss tries to see the good in everyone, to see the salvation in people, but sometimes there's nothing good to see. He understands this, but he's heavily in denial about it. He can't comprehend that level of evil.

Bonus Facts:

- A recovering alcoholic. Like his mother, he used to a drink as a coping mechanism, and during a particularly dark period in his life this habit of his almost killed him. Thanks to an intervention from someone close to him, Boss slowly began to curb his habit and now (after years of hard work) rarely reaches for the drink. He only goes for whiskey when something is really getting him down...

- Boss almost didn't join the SDONE! His loyalty to his father was immense, to the point where it could argued that Boss was brainwashed by his old man. He almost refused the SDONE's invitation, but then he heard tapes of his father's interrogation...and learned that his father pinned everything onto Boss. His father outright threw him under the bus! Boss was crushed soundly by the revelation. He joined the SDONE after this; it was an easier decision.

- Dreamed of adopting a child, once, but it never came to pass for some reason.