


7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


He looks to be in his late 50s', but it's hard to really tell!


Pops (Greaser, it's always an accident)



Real Name

Herod Caulfield


July 1st








The leader of the secretive organization known as the UNDONE. He wishes to compile a mysterious nuclear device, and has his keen eyes on a certain man in a yellow trench coat...






Card games (his favorite is Kuhn Poker), art (sculptures, traditional paintings, never digital), interesting people..., chess (he always plays white)


Cheaters (in both chess and cards), croutons, water, enclosed spaces (has massive claustrophia), being underground, any sort of situation where he can't see or breathe.


Who created the UNDONE, and why? This is a question that few people have asked; that people have known to ask. This mysterious organization is shrouded in darkness; it's in the process of piecing together a doomsday device that could easily wipe out massive amounts of life on an equally massive scale. Most importantly, those lives the UNDONE are targeting...are the lives of SDONE agents. How does this organization know of the SDONE's existence, if information on it is so highly classified? How is this organization always one step ahead of the SDONE, as if predicting their movements? But, most importantly: who is their leader?

The agents of the UNDONE refer to their leader by one name: Eulogy. A mysterious man who thinks himself a revenant, Eulogy's motives for seeking the destruction of the SDONE is currently unknown. He will not rest--rather, he cannot rest-- until the SDONE is wiped cleanly from the map, and will stop at nothing to achieve this goal. If it means building a doomsday device? So be it. If it means putting lives at risk? Oh well. He cares not for the lives of the common people, and he cares not for his own "life". Eulogy exists for nothing but his one goal, and that goal is a simple one: to get his revenge.

Physical Description:

Eulogy is a very, very tall man with a very, very large build. He's essentially a living mountain, and he is so tough his skin seems downright bulletproof. It's honestly intimidating when he stands, stares, sits, does anything.

He has black hair (now greying) and stark, piercing blue eyes. He is the NE Equivalent of Caucasian.

Who Eulogy was before this point is lost to time. His name is unknown, his age is unknown, and no records of his existence...well...exist anymore. He considers his current state of being to be the "eulogy" honoring who he once was.

He is completely deaf, and has been since he was born. He has never used hearing aids, as he preferred lip-reading and the analyzation of body-language and micro-expressions. He's been offered hearing aids countless times, but he refuses every opportunity. 


Eulogy's personality remains an enigma. To the UNDONE agents, he is a variety of things, but no one knows the true him. It must be by design, because why else would he lock himself in his office 24/7? Perhaps he doesn't see the point in making connections, or putting himself out there. Maybe it doesn't interest him. Maybe he doesn't think there's anything to share, and that he's just the leftover remnants of a man...considering how dramatic he can be it's likely the latter option.

Quiet and secretive, Eulogy gives of the disposition of a calm, fatherly presence. A small smile is permanently etched on his face, and his pleasant, sleepy eyes seem caring and inviting. To his agents, Eulogy can come off as a paternal figure. He acts warmly toward them, is supportive of their endeavors, and is interested in them and their lives. But even still, there always appears to be something insidious laced within Eulogy. Like every word is poisoned, like each stare is one glimpsing into the very depths of your soul. Eulogy, to those who know him on a surface level, is personable and approachable. But, to those who know him deeper, he is an intimidating and serious presence who can turn on you in an instant.

Eulogy only takes interest in certain people, and certain things. All of his agents he took interest in, hence his continued relevance in their lives, but anything else? It could blow up and he wouldn't care. He lives a life that is controlled by his mood, and how he feels in the moment. His personality is...actually quite addictive. Eulogy isn't easily hooked on people and things, but once he is? He cannot rest unless he knows them; has them in his pocket...that man in the yellow trench coat is the most recent one to catch his eye, and no one has interested him that much in a while...

Eulogy seems so tranquil and unshakable on the outside, so much so that you would assume he was indestructible! He's a pillar of mental and physical fortitude. However, if one peels back the curtain a little bit, it becomes apparent that Eulogy is...barely hanging on. On the surface he is still, but down below it the fissures are so deep its downright frightening. He doesn't care about anything in his life except his revenge, and will sacrifice life and limb to get it. He can't sleep at night; something is eating him alive. Eulogy's smile is a part of him, but beneath it is a man who is just barely there, grasping onto the few shreds of humanity left within him. Once he lets go, who knows what will happen...he may lose himself entirely. Eulogy is a haunted man. Funny how the man who thinks himself a ghost gets thought of in this way.

But this ghost of a man is about to let himself be known. Everything has been going according to his plans, and only recently has their been a slight deviation. The doomsday device is on its way towards completion; the SDONE is panicking and the UNDONE is capitalizing on their mistakes. But all the while, Eulogy has become interested in one of the SDONE agents... the man in the yellow trench coat...he really is quite interesting indeed...

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Eulogy is a jack of all trades, plain and simple. He's intimidating, he's fast, he's strong, he's tough, smart, he's downright unbeatable in a fight. Physically and mentally, Eulogy is a powerhouse that must be avoided at all cost. This man is like a walking bulletproof vest, and he cannot be rattled. Nothing surprises him and nothing daunts him. Eulogy is a master at reading people, and can tell what someone is feeling with just a milliseconds glance. Nothing gets past him, and by using his near-inhuman ability to read others he can dissect their thought processes emotion by emotion. Then, thought by thought, memory by memory...Eulogy has an insidious way of dissecting the hearts and minds of people.

And while his deafness is one of the sole contributors to Eulogy's biggest strength, it is also one of his biggest weaknesses. He can be easily snuck up on, he can be caught off-guard when he's not focusing; deceived by those plotting behind his back. He has put effort into nullifying this weakness as best he can, but it's not good enough. Unless he caves and gets hearing aids (which he won’t) Eulogy will have a very exploitable weakness forever. Eulogy also has a hidden weakness that lays deep inside of him, a phobia that is one of the only things that can rattle him. Eulogy is deathly afraid of enclosed spaces, and being unable to breathe in any fashion. If he is being strangled, he panics. If he is trapped in a tight space, he does whatever he can to get out before he loses his mind. If Eulogy is unable to see, it increases his anxiety ten-fold. It's one of the few things that can actively get to him.

Bonus Facts:

-  Wears glasses, but doesn't actually need to wear glasses at all! His eyesight is 20/20. They're just empty frames. Why he wears them, no one knows. Maybe it's a trick? Or maybe he just likes to wear glasses...

- Suffers from insomnia and nightmares. He often gets up in the middle of the night, and wanders the base. Sometimes, Ivory is awake, and joins him so he feels less alone.

- Sometimes when he's alone, he swears he sees things out of the corners of his eyes. They're like little wisps of energy...but when he tries to focus on them they're gone in a second. He doesn't know if he's seeing things, or if it's just his old age getting to him. Perhaps it’s both.