



Victor here is the guy in charge of a troupe of performers when they're in his region (trust me, they need someone familiar with the region, the political make up is a hot mess), and the owner of an odd shop that operates out of the back of his morgue/funeral home. He basically illegally sells magic items. He's part of the same story that many of my elves are in, which takes place in an archipelago kingdom ruled by a rather vicious combination of a theocracy and monarchy that the gods have, in fact, forsaken. Victor is one of few direct agents of the death god, Aunath, and he eventually becomes a bigger part of this universe and story by taking the main characters Kaz and Theron under his care. He'd be along for the ride to help uncover all sorts of conspiracies and lies told about the gods to keep the populace obedient, and would end up playing some rather pivotal roles later in the story.