

Name Lillia
Age Effectively ~23
Birthday October 31
Height 5'8"
Build Slight
Species Human?
Race White
Gender Cis Woman (she/her)

code is edited from codes by vom & wicked

A curious young lady with a tremor to her hands; scars across the side of her face; and a milky white, blind left eye. Shy and quiet, Lillia does what she can to keep to herself, preferring to read and garden and avoid the presence of others as much as possible. Those who attempt to bypass her standoffish demeanor will find her absolutely and completely without social graces (though not for a complete lack of effort), and utterly unwilling to talk about herself. It seems she's a girl who keeps many secrets, but at least she's rather good at keeping mum on the specifics. Though easily flustered during regular interactions, she's a terror on the battlefield, focused, deadly, and entirely unaffected by any carnage witnessed or caused.

Despite her secret monstrous nature, she passes as a regular Beorc with a few unusual mannerisms in the day-to-day, made easier by a lack of visibly unusual traits and her general avoidance of other people. Still, it's hard to get around two things: her mere presence agitates animals of all kinds, even those that are usually well-tempered; and, like a perfume, she always smells of rotting flowers.

World Info

a brief blurb about the setting goes here

Appearance Notes

Please use this image as a main reference! Her bangs are poorly done on it, so maybe refer to this one for those.

  • Two scars up left side of face and neck.
  • Left eye is milky white; she can't see out of it.
  • Bangs are messy in general, but are various levels of overgrown and uneven on the left side.
  • Right arm is always completely covered, usually by a bandage.
  • Lips are tinged purple/blue.

Lillia loathes to talk about herself, so it's difficult to get any sense of her past. What one might be able to discern is this: she worked on a farm in the Heartlands of Gaureus, and seems rather sad to have left it.

If deeply pressed, she may admit she has amnesia, and remembers very little worth sharing about where she's come from. In general, she's far better at avoidance than at lying, so it's hard to be certain how truthful that is.

What, Greg, you thought you were gonna get spoilers from her Toyhouse profile? Absolutely not. I'll update this when we reveal more of her backstory in the actual campaign. You fool. You buffoon.

Lillia is...
  • shy
  • clingy
  • lonely
  • violent
  • avoidant
Lillia is not...
  • bothered by displays of violence or gore
  • eager to get into fights
  • eager to get out of fights once they've started
  • in possession of any amount of social grace
  • Lillia is a highly skilled combatant specializing in use of a lance. She fights viciously and with sharp focus, entirely unhesitant regardless of her opponent or the danger.
  • Lillia does not eat, drink, or sleep.


Animals (the feeling is not mutual)
Being useful


Being idle
  • Relic Lance. A polearm with a few ornate decorations and a not-insignificant amount of rust on its handle. The tip has been cared for so as to be combat-ready. Lillia has a strange attachment to it.
  • Flower pouch. At all times, Lillia keeps a leather pouch of flowers attached to a waist belt she wears. She doesn't seem to do anything with it but replace flowers as they wilt. She has a preference for especially fragrant flowers, so she carries their scent everywhere she goes.