


3 years, 8 months ago





#E4C2AE #DF9E7C #B27E64 #64483A
#3E271B #FECE54 #AE4316 #6F9B82

Name Siena Blake
gender female (she/her)
age 23
birthday -
sexuality pansexual
relationship status single
breeding slots 3/3
occupation weapons expert
recidence Callisto's spaceship


colour gold
flower -
plant -
animal -
food ketchup and fruits
beverage fresh smoothies
sandwich anything with ketchup in it
music genre -
smell gasoline
sound -
quote -


  • fresh fruits
  • coffee
  • fixing stuff
  • shooting things
  • knives
  • telling people how she lost her arm
  • quiet nights & looking at the stars
  • hugs (only from friends though)
  • Callisto's smile


  • when sand gets into her prosthetic joints
  • when people know too much about her
  • canned tomatoes
  • when someone touches her hair or tail

Siena works as the weapons expert of a small spaceship, taking care of the ship's illegal firearm merchandise. She's hotheaded, eccentric and never leaves her room without a knife.


Siena is not afraid to voice her opinions, especially if she doesn't like something or someone. She'll gladly let everyone know how much she hates people and various things ranging from household chores to politics. She loves complaining but hates when people try to solve her problems for her or tell her what to do. She's pretty unpredictable with her emotions and tends to be very explosive and hot-headed. But this also applies to the more positive side of life - when Siena's happy or excited, everyone is sure to notice.

Siena has a habit of lying constantly - about her name, her origins, her favourite things, her plans for the day... People that know her will eventually learn to just get used to it but it really confuses new acquaintances. The obsessive lying has probably something to do with Siena's paranoid nature. She believes that people are always after her and lying about everything and anything is Siena's way of protecting her true identity. She also never leaves her room without a knife or two - just for self defence, she says.

Siena's favourite hobbies include disassembling old guns and building new ones. Not the safest pass-time out there, this is what caused her to lose an arm a long time ago. She loves telling the story to people she just met. For someone whose job requires lots of patience and caution Siena is very impatient. She gets mad at the slightest inconvenience and can usually be heard throughout the ship cursing and throwing stuff at the walls whenever something doesn't work as planned.

Siena always keeps her room in the messiest imaginable condition. She's really the only one that could ever find anything in there, but according to her it's all part of the plan - no one can rob her if they can't find anything valuable in the middle of all the piles of trash and spare parts. Siena is a very picky eater and can go days without food if there's nothing good available. She has a love for ketchup.


Siena is short, small and not especially muscular. She prefers convenient and simple clothing like tank tops and hoodies with earth tones. Her hair is usually a bit messy and she prefers to keep it in a bun or ponytail. Siena is always carrying some sort of weapon with her.


Siena works as the weapons expert on the ship, meaning she takes care of the cargo and makes sure that the merchandise is alright quality-wise. She also does maintenance of the crew's own guns. She has a little workshop on the ship where she spends 90% of her time, usually she even sleeps in the middle of the guns too.


Born in the middle of the war on Mars, Siena was orphaned very young and spent her childhood just barely surviving. She was a weird, lonely child that spent most of her time alone or with playing with pet rocks and crying. Siena found herself quickly becoming the outcast wherever she went so she learned to tinker with weapons for self-protection. As soon as she was able to she escaped her home planed and ended up in Callisto, where she met miss Emilie Jenkins who gladly took the young and promising (and easily manipulatable) weapons expert under her wing.



Diego and Siena are inseparable. They love each other unconditionally and despite their clashing personalities there's not a person Siena would rather spend time with. Diego is never tired of listening to Siena's complaining and Diego is the only one who's allowed to give Siena advice.


Siena has a little crush on Callisto. Nothing serious, but just enough to make Siena act a little silly around the captain. Siena admires Callisto's work ethic a lot.


Siena and Evren have fights every day, but they still consider themselves friends. They don't really know each other very well and never hang out just the two of them but their sense of humor is very similar.


Siena thinks Neo is a bit weird but she likes spending time with him when he's having a good day.

pixel item by bitmapdreams
background by ransie3 / subtlepatterns