


7 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info




Regi (Kyle, Zuri)


Human (Cyborg)

Hero Name



January 11th








Serves as a butler to the Kipling household. After Mr. and Mrs. Kipling vanished, Reginald took it upon himself to raise their son, Kyle. He's doing an okay job.






Taking care of Kyle, reading the newspaper, solving puzzles (crosswords), coffee, grooming his fabulous mustache.


When Kyle is in danger, being tricked or fooled, genuine cruelty, practical jokes, licorice.


In the city of Bellexandria, the townspeople are in a state of near constant crisis. The evil Dr. Caine preys upon the city whenever he pleases, and causes destruction wherever he goes. Mad with power, and drunk on his vast intellect, the disgruntled scientist has decided to test his weapons of mass destruction on the townspeople themselves; inciting havoc and chaos. For a period of a year or two, no one stood up to stop him. Powerless towards his schemes, the people of Bellexandria stood by and hid whenever his contraptions would arise; scared for their lives. Then, one day, two heroes put an end to his callous deeds. Since that day, the duo known as Morphinae and Blindspot have been there to challenge Dr. Caine whenever he appears, and put an end to his mad plans.

Reginald is the butler and caretaker of Kyle Kipling. Placed in a state of guardianship after Kyle's parents went missing, Reginald has raised Kyle from childhood to the present. Dedicated to his job, he spends most of the day taking care of Kyle and cleaning the house they live in. However, when Dr. Caine emerges from the depths yet again, Reginald springs into action and becomes Blindspot: a superhero dedicated to restoring justice to Bellexandria and the world...! And, keeping Kyle safe. That's his #1 priority.

Physical Description:

Reginald is a very, very tall man with a toned build. He's relatively slender, but around his limbs he seems to bulk up. If you've seen him without sleeves, the reasoning for this becomes obvious.

He has white hair that has balded at the top. Wisps of remaining hair exist on it but not much. He has green eyes; the left one is cybernetic. When not incognito as Blindspot, he wears an eye-patch. He is the NE Equivalent of Caucasian

Reginald is a regular butler by day, taking care of Kyle Kipling and making sure the house is in tip-top shape. He takes his job very seriously, and plays the part well. However, when the time comes, and Dr. Caine starts to act up, Reginald cannot idly stand by as Kyle puts himself in danger. In fact, the only reason Kyle is allowed to do this is because Reginald is helping--he's in a good position to help, too. Under the guise of the masked hero, "Blindspot," Reginald utilizes his cybernetic enhancements to their maximum potential.  All four of Reginald limbs were lost, and were replaced with cybernetic parts, giving him enhanced strength, speed, and stamina. He easily surpasses the human limits, and his cybernetic eye allows him to lock onto targets and ping onto weak points. With Morphinae's wise advice, Blindspot acts as his charge, and does the heavy lifting of crime-fighting. Dr. Caine doesn't stand a chance.

Reginald has a powerful mustache that seems to encompass the entire bottom half of his face. It swallows his mouth entirely! There is a red scar the marks his left eye.


Reginald is a man who is hard to figure out, and doubly hard to get a read on. It's hard to describe him in a matter of paragraphs, but what is known about Reginald is that he is both a very quiet and very diligent man. Silently resilient, Reginald is married to his job, and that job is to keep Kyle Kipling safe at all costs. He's told the story to young Kyle many times! That after Kyle's parents went missing, Reginald swore he would dedicate his life to raising their only son. This is a debt he's kept for fourteen years so far, and hopes to carry it out until his death...even if it mean having to fight crime and throw out his back in the process...

Prim and proper, Reginald is a man whose personality is business-like in nature. Everything he does is regimented, planned, and he carries out his whims in a gentlemanly manner. He lives for Kyle Kipling, and little else. He plans out Kyle's day and acts as his guardian if he needs him to be...although he's not the warmest presence in truth. He's a distant man, and appears to try to keep almost everyone at an arms-length emotionally from him. He keeps his business to himself, and his quiet nature makes him a man of few words. Although he is wise, he does not often share his wisdom. He's a follower, in truth, and although he's an analytical sort he trusts Kyle's wisdom before his own. Reginald is painfully aware of Kyle's "gift".

Reginald's loyalty is one of the most interesting things about him. Despite this distant exterior, Reginald's feelings run deep, and he cares immensely for those he loves. If it meant saving Kyle, Reginald would sacrifice the world, and even his own life. If anything were to happen to Kyle, he wouldn't know what to do with himself, and he will do anything to protect the boy. He doesn't often show this; in fact, he tends to keep his emotions close to his vest. However, when the going gets tough, and the stakes are raised, it becomes apparent just how much Reginald cares.

You'd think that if he cared so much, he would come clean about some things he knows...but Reginald is a secretive man. He holds back information, seemingly for Kyle's own good, and when he gains intel he keeps it to himself. In an effort to protect Kyle, he blindsides him, and by not informing him it can cause problems both in their home-life and while fighting crime. Reginald keeps people at a distance from him out of a desire to keep them out of his business, no matter the cost. For whatever reason, he wants no one prying in on his personal life...he hasn't even told Kyle his last name!

However, when out in the field, there's no time to think about secrets. The city of Bellexandria is in trouble, and only two heroes can save it. When Kyle told Reginald he wanted to stop Dr. Caine, the old butler was initially very hesitant...however, he knew he wasn't going to be able to stop him. Kyle has a good heart, after all; one that can't let this abuse continue. Reginald said he would allow it under one condition: that he be able to assist.  Kyle agreed, and now the duo fight together to snuff out evil, wherever it may arise! Reginald has personal stakes in this battle; ones that he'd never want to admit. It's obvious this plot must run deeper than Dr. Caine, but he doesn't want Kyle to pry...

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Reginald's strengths lie in his immense physical aptitude. Considering his age, it's impressive just how efficient he can move; his mind is sharp and shows no sign of dulling anytime soon. Due to his cybernetic enhancements, Reginald can do things that a normal human could only dream of! He can lift immense weights, run at lightning speeds, and is durable enough to take more than a couple hits. His cybernetic eye is a tool in battle, pointing out weak spots and other points of attack. With the careful guidance of Morphinae, Reginald carries out his orders, and is brutally efficient. He's got experience on the battle-field, and knows what he has to do to get the job done.

Reginald, like Kyle, has a large, selfless heart. For those he loves, Reginald will give his life. He doesn't care for most, and is a deeply guarded man, but for those who have earned his trust? Reginald will take bullets, grenades, anything to keep them safe. He is an exceedingly loyal man, but there comes a point where his loyalty becomes a liability. He's a powerful ally, but he's useless if he's dead, and Reginald seems to throw himself into the fire sometimes for the sake of someone else. He just can't stand to watch someone he loves get hurt.

Bonus Facts:

- Was in the military for a while in his youth...but doesn't expand on it. All Kyle knows is that he was, and that something probably happened to make him all cyborg-y. Reginald is pretty guarded about it.

- No one has ever seen his mouth? His mustache seems to emote for him. It's a powerful mustache; please understand.

- Has ulterior motives...