Zuri Azikiwe



7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info




Zuzu (Kyle) Zu (Kyle)




Best friend of Kyle Kipling; none-the-wiser to his secret.


December 8th








Currently a middle-school student! She's doing alright, it's hard, but at least she has Kyle to keep her company!






Drawing, writing, crafting, anything with her hands. Also loves music and can play piano. She's very active in the arts.


Gym class, has a fear of fire, the sound of a brass-band and bullies (specifically anyone who messes with Kyle)


In the city of Bellexandria, the townspeople are in a state of near constant crisis. The evil Dr. Caine preys upon the city whenever he pleases, and causes destruction wherever he goes. Mad with power, and drunk on his vast intellect, the disgruntled scientist has decided to test his weapons of mass destruction on the townspeople themselves; inciting havoc and chaos. For a period of a year or two, no one stood up to stop him. Powerless towards his schemes, the people of Bellexandria stood by and hid whenever his contraptions would arise; scared for their lives. Then, one day, two heroes put an end to his callous deeds. Since that day, the duo known as Morphinae and Blindspot have been there to challenge Dr. Caine whenever he appears, and put an end to his mad plans.

Zuri Azikiwe is a typical teenage girl living in Bellexandria! She attends Xandria Secondary School along with the aforementioned (or yet to be mentioned, depending on when you're reading this) Kyle Kipling. Although originally too intimidated to talk to the smart kid, Zuri struck up a conversation, and the two became fast friends! In school, all they have is each other, and the duo are almost inseparable! Zuri does her best to protect him from bullies, or anyone who wants to use or torment him. Despite all she does for him, there are times where Kyle just, will disappear...Zuri has no idea why! When she asks, he says it was because of an emergency, but what could be so important? 

Physical Description:

Zuri is a small (she prefers "petite") girl with a linear build. Her hair is naturally this curly, and she loves to keep it as it! Poof-y is cute to her, she doesn't care who says otherwise!

She has curly, short black hair that poofs around her chin, and bright blue eyes. She is the NE Equivalent of Mozambican.

Zuri is a classmate of Kyle's, and is his only friend. The daughter of two artists, her family has suffered hard due to the violence incited by Dr. Caine and his dangerous robotics. Zuri tries not to let it affect her, but it's hard when the issue touches her so deeply. She's thankful for the two heroes, Morphinae and Blindspot, and what they do to protect the Bellexandria...and she has no idea who they really are! Despite her proximity to their true identities, Zuri doesn't have a clue, and supports her friend unknowingly as he fights against her biggest fear. She's a savvy kid, and she may figure out eventually...but she'll be blissfully unaware until then!

Zuri is always wearing blue, and if she's not something must be wrong. It's one of her favorite colors (next to rainbow) and it makes her happy! She wants to surround herself with things that make her happy, and covering herself in blue is a way to cheer herself up! 


Through all the chaos that is happening around them, the people of Bellexandria get along the best that they can. With the city almost constantly under siege, the citizens have learned to protect themselves, and try to normalize the incidence so that they themselves are not caught off guard by the attacks. Bunkers have been put in place, warning signals have been implemented, and safety guidelines have been drafted to try and account for the wildly unpredictable actions of one mad scientist. Most importantly of all, the townspeople still try to live their lives as normally as possible; keeping their smiles. Zuri might just have the brightest smile of them all.

Cheerful and optimistic, Zuri's sunny disposition can drive the clouds away on a rainy day. Armed with a wild imagination, she is a colorful and warm presence who is a blessing to those who get to know her. She and Kyle are each others only friends, and the duo are ostracized from their grade due to their peculiarities. With Kyle, it's his intellect, but with Zuri its her enthusiasm for the arts. A visionary at heart, she often gets carried away in her ideas to a point where it may weird some out. It's okay, though! They just dont want to understand her vision; that's on them! Zuri lets it roll off her back, and continues to create with a steadfast zeal. 

She has a heart of gold, and a creative soul that is priceless. Loyal to her friend, Zuri does her best to protect Kyle from anyone who wishes to torment him at school. They only have each other, and Kyle is her partner in crime! She's gotta look out for him, or else what kind of friend would she be? She's an active type, who constantly is looking to both improve her skills and be proactive in her own life. She doesn't like to wait around! She wants to maximize her artistic potential, and takes extracurricular art classes to try and improve herself! She is always striving for a better day than today, and wants to make it there.

Although her optimistic attitude is a good trait to have, she sometimes can become blind to warning signs because of it. She has a tendency to ignore the bad things in life/in people and shrug them off as mistakes, and wants to believe in them to the very end...even though she really shouldn't. Because of her proactive nature, she sometimes jumps into situations she's not ready to handle, and can be too curious for her own good. She can't help it though! She gets restless when she has to stand still for too long. She's gotta do something!

Although, as of now, she can't really do anything except do her best to pass middle-school. Life goes on around her without stopping. Dr. Caine still attacks the city, Morphinae and Blindspot will always be there to stop him, and Zuri does her best to pass all her tests. She wants to do well to make her family proud, and give them something positive to believe in...but they've been hit hard by the attacks on Bellexandria. All she can do is try her best, and support Morphinae and Blindspot the best she can...! She wishes she could help them...


Strengths & Weaknesses:

Zuri's a visionary just like her parents, and her artistic mind flourishes more and more every day. It's one of her biggest strengths! She comes up with creative, out-of-the-box solutions that can surprise even the most savvy of people! She can consider multiple conclusions at once and act on the one she thinks is best; she's good at prioritizing what's important and what's not. Where Kyle is weak, Zuri is strong, and the two complete each other in a very natural way. If only she knew!

But, sadly, she doesn't know, and Zuri is just a normal, teenage girl. Compared to her friend Kyle's double life, Zuri is terribly normal, and completely unaware of Kyle's big secret. She could be a target for his enemies if anyone found out his identity, and although she could try to hold her own she'd be especially weak towards one of the villains. When it comes to Dr. Caine, Zuri becomes paralyzed with fear, and will freeze up entirely starting with the mention of his name. 

Bonus Facts:

-  She love heart motifs. They make her happy! She wears them on shirts, on shorts, on pants, skirts, hats, backpacks, everything!

- Collects colorful rainbow bracelets and necklaces. Rainbow is her favorite color...what do you mean its a collection of colors in one? Rainbow is its own beast, you non-believer.

- Becomes frozen with fear each time Dr. Caine attacks...she's terrified of him and what he's capable of. She seems to have some sort of history with him...but she never wants to talk about it.