


7 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Early 20s?




Shadite (Familiar)

Soul Type

Darkness (Umbrakinesis)

Current Status


Bound To

Girly (Currently)


Bound to Girly's soul, Shadow can change his height to whatever he wishes.


Shadow weighs nothing.


Currently permanently bound to the soul of Girly. Stuck with the young girl, he protects her on their journey through Animus.






Well-lit rooms, wide open spaces, sarcasm, flowers (he'd never admit this), mountains and impressive hills.


Absolute darkness (its hard to keep form in it, considering his current state), stupidity, hesitation and tricks.


Fire, water, earth, air, light and shadow. These six elements combined created the world of Animus, a land created in a small universe built six, all-powerful Goddesses. Ever since a hole in space-time miraculously opened up between Animus and NE, the two worlds have been in communion. On occasion, beings from Universe CRB wind up in Universe ASHEPP, causing both great disaster and great harmony to fall and lift the people of Animus. In the recent century, a hero from NE has stood as firm protector of Animus. When the dark witch, Scarlet, began to ravage the land with her army of darkness, this hero was there to stop her. 100 years have passed since that first encounter. Although the hero lost much, including his own wife, he continued the fight Scarlet each time she reemerged to claim Animus for her dark deeds. At least, he used to...until he was captured within Pandora's Box, and sealed away for all eternity. With no one to stop her, Scarlet began her domination over the land of Animus, and now slowly consumes it with the help of her Shadite army...

Ten years ago, the being now known as "Shadow" made a terrible mistake. He pays for this error everyday, and remains bound-by-the-soul to the young infant he scrambled to when he had no other choice. When the legendary hero of Animus, Hesiod Anthis, disappears for longer than usual, Shadow coaxes the young "Girly" toward Animus...and discovers the horrible truth. Scarlet has won. Hesiod is trapped within a cruelly named contraption, and Animus will soon be lost...that is, unless Girly can save it. Aiding her in battle for his own reasons, Shadow defends Girly as she journey's across Animus to save her father.

Physical Description:

Shadow is...exactly that. A shadow. The physical embodiment of his soul, Shadow is bound to Girly as if he was her actual shadow.

He is a jet black creature with large white eyes and distinguishing, white features (i.e a mouth and eyebrows).

Shadow is a mysterious creature of mysterious origins. For as long as she can remember, Shadow has been present in Girly's life, and has both acted as an annoyance and a helper to her depending on the moment. He is a native of Animus, and his Soul Type is Darkness, giving him control over shadows (umbrakinesis). Unlike Girly, he's very well versed in his abilities.

Shadow's form varies depending on the light sources in the room. If there's no light, he cannot maintain his form and ceases to be until the shadows return.  Shadow's form can become physical or stay flat against the wall if he wishes. Because of his current existence as a shadow, and his control over the element, Shadow can utilize his own body in combat.


Now, it's common knowledge in storybooks that every legendary hero needs a companion. Whether it be an animal or a human being, it's only natural for the main character of the quest to have some sort of moral support; two moral supports; sometimes there are even three moral supports! You'd never expect someone as unwilling and uncooperative as "Shadow" to be given this task, but unfortunately, he doesn't have a choice.

Immature and selfish, Shadow only cares for himself. In the days he's spent bound to Girly, Shadow has wondered every minute on the hour how to unbind himself and escape back to Animus. Serious with his goals and prideful in nature, Shadow views his current form as demeaning, and has a tendency to take his frustrations out on Girly. He's got short patience with people he views as not worth his time, and he can be downright manipulative at times given the context of the situation. However, he never goes out of his way to do something outright malicious. In fact, there have been even times where he's willingly helped get her to stop crying, of course. Shadow thinks it's easy to understand, and would even tell you how he feels: everything he does, he does for the sake of making himself feel better. That's all.

Shadow is a bit of a prankster, and likes to play tricks on Girly when he's able. He's sarcastic and dismissive towards her, yet it seems like a front if you give it a seconds thought. The things that Shadow does and that Shadow likes connote that there's something soft under that dark surface...but he's doing whatever he can to hide it. When Girly is in trouble, he definitely cares. He didn't have to lead Girly to Animus to save Hesiod, and the world, but he did. A lot of what Shadow does comes from the heart, but for whatever reason, he attempts to explain away his actions as quickly as possible when asked.

And that is one of Shadow's biggest problems. He's secretive, dismissive, and while he is nostalgic he is constantly hung up in the past. Shadow never gives a straight answer to anyone, and would rather force himself into battle than talk things through. He actively misdirects Girly and everyone around him just so they stop asking questions about his own existence. This is a pride thing--part of him thinks no one deserves to know. But, there seems to be something genuine he's hiding behind his facade of sarcastic indifference...

Shadow hopes Girly doesn't look into it. He figures she won't have time. She's got a world to save, a geezer to rescue, and if she's going to win she's gotta rely on Shadow's help. Although Shadow doesn't like that this journey will bring them closer, he finds himself warming up to the kid against his better judgement. She's got heart, a real desire to help people...Shadow hasn't seen such optimism in a long, long while. It makes him nostalgic; makes him want to protect that spark of light. It's a bad idea, though, and he should keep his distance. If she knew the truth about anything happening around her, she'd be mad he even existed--how can he build a friendship with her, knowing that?

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Shadow is a fairly powerful force, in spite of his current weakened, bound state. His Soul Type is Darkness, giving him the ability to utilize umbrakinesis in a variety of ways--ways that grow more powerful depending on whether Girly is using her abilities or not (seeing as her Soul Type is Light). He tends to focus on defending Girly more than anything, but his offensive attacks are devastating. He's well versed with his element. Shadow is a manipulative personality who knows how to get what he wants, and he's rather intelligent to boot. He can coax Girly into doing things, or not asking questions if he wishes.

But Shadow is a rather prideful entity. There are times where he puts too much credit in his abilities, and is rightfully blindsided. Due to his bound state, Shadow is weakened in both power and physicality. He can be easily scattered and broken if he's not careful. Another weakness of Shadow's is his constant retreat into nostalgia. He gets caught up when remembering past events and becomes distracted, sometimes even dictating his decisions based on what he used to do because it is familiar to him. Shadow cannot used his powers or maintain his form in absolute darkness, so in the night his existence ceases for a bit.

Bonus Facts:

- Shadow, despite bonding his soul to Girly's, cannot unbind himself. He lacks the strength and power to break the melding, and only did the maneuver because it was his only chance of survival...

- He knows of Hesiod, yet Hesiod knows nothing of him. Shadow has been hiding in his daughter's shadow for a decade and, thanks to Shadow's own cunning, he hasn't been discovered. Sometimes, it seems like he's even familiar with Girly's mother... but that's impossible.

- Once upon a time, there was a little girl so lonely that she befriended her own shadow...