[taken] Errol



3 years, 8 months ago


36045925_Siv6Td1ZsvSvYXi.pngWill add more of his info later, for now here are just some points.

Note - His earrings are only on ONE side. Always his right ear!  Demetrius' earrings are on the opposite side.

♦ He doesn't really ACT like a nice guy, usually seeming disinterested or seeming like he is ignoring you, doesn't often smile in public unless something actually amuses him somehow. Despite all this, he's really not all that bad, he's a good fellow at heart, he just likes to hide it. 

♦ His relationship is an unusual one, he comes back to the Philoden whenever he feels like it, he's not always around, but he appears when he deems it fit to spend time with someone or help them out. It seems as though his partner however does not mind his mindset of staying away until ready.

♦ Used to work on repairs of the ancient ruins in the desert until the current Echinoden leader locked them up to any visitors or workers. Having lost the only job he was actually rather pleased with, he decided to then move away from Echinoden and journey to other lands for the sake of killing any boredom he now had without a proper job he likes. (unfortunately he's not interested enough in other jobs to take one up either)

♦ Enjoys creating things in his spare time, usually small things bit by bit for those actually in need of them. Though this seems to only be noticable with a certain Philoden currently considering he does not seem to like being around others too much. 

♦ Freeloads in said Philoden's house often, even when she is NOT home, he'll find his own way in whether she notices or not. Also tends to unintentionally (although SOMETIMES intentionally) sneak up on others, depending on the mood and reason. 

♦ Likes to read and be alone, also enjoys a good warm place to take a long rest as he travels quite a lot and any amount of downtime is perfect. 

♦ Sometimes messes with others, especially if they act insufferable toward others. ALSO sometimes leaves his companions behind (most commonly see with Demetrius). Never leaves anyone in danger however!

♦ Often shows up at Mina's rogue clan for short visits, probably usually to ask about news on if there have been sightings of rare materials anywhere or other such reasons, leaves his travel companion here EXTREMELY often. 

♦ Has a grim sense of humor, most easily coming across as poking fun at or teasing others, or just downright insulting them if he's not in the mood. Also has a habit of startling or scaring others with his constant sudden invasion of space as he most often tends to sneak up on wildlings so he's not noticed or directly confronted unless he deems it fit.