[Taken] Demetrius



3 years, 7 months ago


Still deciding on his true (plant themed) name, Demetrius is just a name he prefers to use. 


This wildling is a very calm and gentle soul, often looking to learn from others and teach whatever he knows.
Loves to make friends and small talk with other wildlings and always willing to lend a hand of particular magics are in need.

He is very studious and loves to learn all sorts of different things, especially if it's related to magics, ancient beings and ruins, sources of power or energy that could help others and all manners of other things.

He however can also be rather sneaky and manipulative if faced against any wildlings or creatures that are particularly pushy or horrid. Uses this more often to sneak away from situations to return back to safety.

Often TRYING to hang around Errol but often times failing, resulting in being left behind in a variety of luckily safe places.
However it is clear that the two are close in some awkward way, Demetrius is never left in danger even if Errol leaves him behind, and Errol WILL protect the slightly younger adult IF the times arise where the two are still travelling and are confronted.  

Errol sees this young adult wildling as much like an annoying little brother of sorts, he doesnt want the fellow to get hurt, but he also doesn't want to deal with him 24/7

Demetrius is rather talented in all sorts of magics, offensive and defensive, however he rarely ever appears to use them unless someone else is in danger, it's extremely rare he'll even protect himself with it as the strength of his magic can be rather depleting of his energy. He's much like a glass cannon type sorceror, strong in the magic but weak in the body. 

Enjoys a good cup of hot tea, cider or hot cocoa, and perhaps a small plate of biscuits.

Tries to make his own meals and snacks but isn't always the best at it, his home is often littered with the simplest snack foods or meals, never anything elaborate or particularly tasty despite absolutely loving tasty or fancy treats and meals.

Seems to sing or hum to himself softly when seemingly alone, apparently to calm himself or make him feel better after a rough day or being left behind.
Apparently has an incredibly soft and calming voice and is easy to pick him out from a crowd if he is speaking or humming due to it.


Demetrius has multiple outfits;  his main outfit is his travel outfit which you see below!  The hood can be removed during times in which he is relaxing for a moment during his trips, or simply for places that are maybe too hot for a hood such as the desert.


Where as the other outfit he's been drawn in is his casual wear for at home.
