Liezel Kirch



3 years, 11 months ago



All Nighter of the Living Dead.


"I'll stop when I'm dead again."

 NAME   Liezel Kirch 
 ALIAS   Null (online handle)
 AGE   25~
 BIRTHDAY   Oct. 24th
 SPECIES   Zombie
 SUBSPECIES   German American
 GENDER   Female
 ORIENTATION   Demiromantic
 OCCUPATION   Freelance Coder
 DESIGNER   sammehshark

Liezel is known to be a very quiet, yet very blunt when speaking. In her mind every word is important and shouldn't be wasted with flowery language. Overall she is very neutral and finds emotions hard to understand or express.

One thing that is known throughout the university is how serious Liezel takes her work and studies. She despises being bothered while "in the zone", if you do so she's not afraid to yell at you. Her major is in Computer Science. 











  • Computers/Tech
  • Learning new Info
  • Black Coffee
  • Reading
  • Black Licorice


  • Old Tech
  • Tight Spaces
  • Loud Noises
  • People who reject technology and it's advances
  • Being unable to see



Liezel was the only child of a famous technology company CEO, Leon Kirch. She was never given any information about her mother or even if the woman was a surrogate; for the most part she was raised by her father and various nannies through the years. Leon wasn't a very emotional man, never expressing any form of joy to his daughter which only seemed to rub off on her at a young age. Praise was very rare from him as well yet it was clear he expected the best from Liezel and wouldn't settle for anything else, she was supposed to be the next CEO after all. This lead to Liezel never celebrating any victories. She'd just simply move onto the next task. This would clearly worry nannies and other workers around the house, they'd try to encourage Liezel in place of her father. But their praises simply fell on deaf ears. In her mind she knew she was doing good, she didn't need someone else telling her she was.

Being the daughter of a very powerful and influential man had one major downside, enemies. He's bond to piss off someone, and there is a chance for that angry person to snap. And one lonely night at home that is exactly what happened. Liezel woke with a knife pointed at her, with a disheveled man giving her orders. In that moment she didn't feel much fear, just annoyance at her father. The broken man tied her wrists together and blind folded her, before forcing her out into a car and drove her to an unknown place.

It wasn't hard to figure out that she was being held for ransom. He even made her call her father on some burner phone. The conversation was straight to the point, like it always was with Leon. It didn't hurt Liezel when he sounded more inconvenienced than worried, it's what she expected at this point. But this seemed to anger her kidnapper more, ranting and raving about how much of a heartless man her father was. How they wanted to see Mr. Kirch actually emote for once, wanting to hear the pain in his voice after all the pain he caused HIM. Liezel couldn't hold back her comments at that point telling this unhinged man that her father didn't care about anything. He never did and never would in her eyes.

This seemed to be the tipping point. The final straw. The last thing Liezel would feel was her neck being sliced open and the sensation of choking. Not even being able to see anything around her. Only the abyss of nothing.


Coming back alive was the easiest part for Liezel, coming to terms with being dead wasn't hard for the emotionally absent woman. Figuring out what to do was the hardest part, next to finding Hawoodale. Being dead meant she could do anything yet do so little at the same time, what does one choose to do?

It took a few years for Liezel to be comfortable in her new forever home, especially to enroll to the college there. Slowly she has come out of her shell around others as much as someone like her can.



  • Has chronic nightmares about reliving her death and the feeling of it. Sometimes about having to crawl out of the ground too.
  • Can speak fluent German.
  • She is active on various forums.
  • Originally in 2013 Liezel was a Creepy Pasta oc called Nobody; she was revamped for Hawoodale.
  • She doesn't talk to anyone she knew when alive.
  • While she dresses very messy her room is very clean and organized.
  • She has a playlist I made for her, here.

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Forrest Day