Savannah Tyler



3 years, 8 months ago



Hot headed music prodigy.


"This is who I am. Nobody said you had to like me."

 NAME   Savannah Tyler
 ALIAS   Anna, Savy
 AGE   21
 BIRTHDAY   April 19th
 SPECIES   Human
 SUBSPECIES   Korean American
 GENDER   Female
 OCCUPATION   Drummer for The Scaring Dolls
 DESIGNER   sammehshark

Savannah is an extremely impulsive person, she never fully thinks things through and only allows her emotions to make all decisions. This has lead to her as someone who purely lives in the moment and worry about consequences later. In her mind it's her life and she will live it to it's fullest extent. 

It's not secret that some find her attitude and constant fooling around annoying. She doesn't care about that, it only encourages her to annoy them more. 











  • Driving; especially at night
  • Storms
  • Music; mostly forms of rock
  • Jokes/Pranks
  • Making Music


  • Drama
  • Toxic Masculinity
  • Authority
  • Her family
  • Digs at her height



Savannah was born into a family who expected to children to be intelligent and successful. Her parents got this with her older brother Jason, but it was clear at an early age that he and Savannah were not the same. She struggled in school; the lessons were hard for her to understand and she couldn't sit still. There was only one class that she ever understood and exceled in, music. But that's not what her parents wanted. With every failing grade they'd yell at Savannah more. Demanding she do better and push herself harder. The yelling only grew when young Savannah said she wanted to be a musician. That's not what her parents wanted to her to be. This only fueled the fire of her rebellious attitude down the line.

High school was where Savannah really started to live for herself. At school she was the class clown and trouble maker. While at night she'd sneak out to go hang out with her fellow delinquents; drinking, smoking, and causing chaos where ever they went. In the group Savannah was the only girl, which lead to people suspecting she had it on with all of the guys in the group; but there was never any evidence she did. For the most part Savannah ignored this because in the back of her mind she knew she didn't like men at all, and she wasn't ready to admit that.


There was one place to Savannah that always felt like home. A local music shop she worked at; it was really the only thing she took somewhat seriously. She was really close to her boss, Rayner, and his younger brother Gunnar. During one of her shifts Rayner was telling her about this gorgeous guitar that he saw at a pawn shop, which peaked her interest. She wanted to see it for herself so after her shift she headed to the pawn shop, and Rayner was right the guitar was a beauty. And there was something pulling Savannah towards it, despite her not even knowing to play the instrument. Without second thought Savannah bought it so she could hang it up on her wall, right next to her drum set.

In the first weeks of owning the guitar it was clear something was not right. When Savannah was in her room it would always feel like something was fucking with her; moving her stuff, knocking over her shelf of CDs, and sometimes it sounded like someone was strumming the guitar. Savannah tried her best to ignore it at first, but after the tenth day in a row of something messing with her things she began to lose it. She yelled at whatever was making her life harder. That's when she saw it for the first time. A white figure with a black dress. The activity would only increase from there.

This song and dance when on for a couple more months. The ghost would fuck with Savannah and she'd try her best to ignore her until she'd get mad enough to yell. Though after a particularly bad argument with her parents Savannah locked herself in her room, lit a cigarettes, and blasted an 80's rock alum as loud as she could from her speakers. This caused the ghost to reveal herself once more, but this time she didn't mess with Savannah. No she began to say how she loved that album. That night Savannah learned the ghost's name, Merlin, and an odd friendship formed.

Merlin stopped messing with Savannah as much and turned her attention to her family and her classmates, which amused Savannah. They'd both create new ways to fuck with people. Though Savannah was the only one who was aware of the poltergeist's existence.

One night Savannah was hanging out at Gunnar's house; they were watching horror movies. Savannah kept thinking about how Merlin would've loved to watch this as well if she was there too. Meanwhile Gunnar was reading into Savannah's movements and actions far too much. In his mind Savannah coming to hang out with him alone meant she was into him, that she wanted him. He starts to try to put the moves on her, to push things in a more adult direction. Immediately Savannah freaked out and yelled at him; saying that he should've asked before trying that shit and that she didn't feel like that about him or any guy. He got angry back, taking it as a personal offense that Savannah didn't want him. She told him to go fuck himself and left. Once in her room she ranted to Merlin about the whole ordeal.

The next day at school Savannah noticed people snickering while looking at her. It continued the whole day until she cornered a guy who was laughing with his buddies while looking dead at her. She demanded to know what was so funny when the boy started to make disgusting statements at her and tell her how easy she must be if she fucked several guys. In an instant Savannah saw red, it wasn't long until a teacher was pulling her off of a bruised and bloody Gunnar. She was yelling at him while tears ran down her cheeks and trying her best to get out of the teachers hold. Her parents were called to the school and found out the reason why Savannah was beating up the kid. Only they didn't get the full story. They got the version where Savannah blindly attacked a student. When Savannah tried to defend herself by telling them what actually happened they wouldn't listen. Savannah's heart fell when her own mother told her "Are you fucking dumb?! I hope you used protection when you were with those boy! God forbid you get pregnant."

That night Savannah cried to Merlin; the only person who really understood her. That's when they decided they'd leave the town and head some place better, one that Merlin knew Savannah would love. So with the help of Merlin signing papers Savannah got her GED and left her old life behind in the dead of the night. Only leaving a note in her room that said "don't look for me."



  • She is the only human allowed to live in Hawoodale.
  • Tyler isn't her real last name, she won't give out her actual last name.
  • She is 5'ft.
  • She already has a smoking problem.
  • Despite her mother being Korean and often speaks Korean Savannah doen't know any.
  • Secretly she is very insecure and hates herself, but she will never fully admit it.
  • She can play multiple instruments.
  • She has a character playlist I made her, here.


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Green Day