


3 years, 7 months ago




Name Sayori Tenya
Alias Sadako
Age 16 years old
Gender Female
Role Magic User
Status Single

The dead only truly die when forgotten.



Her gaze hides from reality

because she is here, but her soul was not.

She has the ability to look straight through beings

while defining the sense of seeing

as she keys her energy into this moment of bleeding.

She gazed upon reality as the world watched.

She was here, but she couldn’t touch.

You meet them, you see them,

you ponder on their dreams

because so few have the ability of a gaze that breaks existence for all that’s it’s got.



Sayori (or Sadako as she is now known as) is a fairly mysterious person. In all honesty, no one knows where she came from or who her family is, it's as if she just appeared out of nothing one day. She remembers vague bits and pieces of her past but they tend to come and go. Little things will jog her memory, like toys that she ends up remembering that she played with. Other than that she is pretty much a mystery and seems like she is always lost in her own thoughts.


Sayori prefers to go by her magical girl name aka Sadako, as she chose it herself from a movie she very much enjoyed. You can usually find her spacing out or reading a book. She tends to be rather quiet which causes her to accidentally sneak up on people without meaning too and spooking them. Some may think she's a bit odd or creepy but she doesn't really mine too much honestly. Sometimes she will mention two figures called Jekyll and Hyde. Little is known about them but she seems fond of the two leering figures that seem to follow her where ever she goes. They only show themselves to her, and can only be seen by others when she uses them to help her with her attacks.Although it looks like she is constantly spacing out, in reality she is just watching the spirits around her "live their daily lives." According to her she finds it oddly peaceful to watch them live their lives out in limbo despite them being dead.



Intelligence High

Charisma Low

Kindness High

Integrity Average

Confidence Low

Optimism Average

Temper Low

Maturity Average

Jekyll and Hyde

Sadako can summon both jekyll and hyde as a last resort in order to give her the upper hand in battle. They will come out and esentially attack whatever is in front of them that they deem a threat to sadako. This ability is only meant to be used when fighting alone as there's a slight chance that jekyll and hyde will deem even people on Sadako's team a threat as well.

Rigor Mortis

This ability can only be activated by direct touch. Once sadako decides to touch someone while activating this ability, the person will grow stiff and esentially fall to the floor as if they were dead. They are still alive but rather in a petrified state as they will be unable to move due to the stifening of their joints and the shallowness in their breaths.



Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut ipsum metus, rhoncus ut vulputate vitae, egestas non lacus. Nam mattis sem at tortor aliquet pharetra. Duis non sapien nunc. Praesent pharetra, ipsum eu rhoncus suscipit.


Character Name

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut ipsum metus, rhoncus ut vulputate vitae, egestas non lacus. Nam mattis sem at tortor aliquet pharetra. Duis non sapien nunc. Praesent pharetra, ipsum eu rhoncus suscipit.



• Trades: No
• Sale: No
• Fanart: Yes
• Gore: Yes
• Sexual Content: No
• Other: Maybe


• This section is meant to hold credits for contributing designers, creators, etc. Other ideas include credits for images used within the page.
• Original design by pforpakawat
• Art by Sparklelights
