River (coding)



3 years, 2 months ago



Name River
Age 13
Gender nonbinary(they/them)
Enneagram 9w8, 974
Orientation Aromantic
Alignment Chaotic good

gone fishing


  • Nature
  • spring
  • Sparrow
  • privacy and freedom
  • fishing/li>


  • their old home
  • conflict or drama
  • content
  • content


River is calm, and very focused on the present not worrying about the future or dwelling on the past. this also can make them impulsive.They don't like to talk much about where they came from and they mostly tend to keep to themselves, although they're a bit more open with Sparrow, so they can be seen as boring since usually traveling cats will have a lot of stories to share with others. They place a lot of value on authenticy having the freedom to be themselves, and although they are kind and care about others at the end of the day its more important for them to do what they want and what they think is right than to please others. They're highly observant and a quick learner, especially with physical activities. They're not good at facing their problems head-on and would rather just not deal with things that upset them.


Nobody really know where River came from, why they left, or why they're here, and they don't seem to care about it at all now that they're gone. They showed up in the forest near Sparrow's house and soon began staying with them.

Design notes

anthro only, colours don't have to be exact but please keep patterns the same, if drawing with other characters, they're a little taller than Sparrow and Winter and a lot taller than Pine. They occasionally will have a blue jay feather behind their ear



Sparrow  [ close friend ]

"I like him a lot! We get along really well, and I feel like we both understand each other, more than anyone I've met before. I really appreciate that he's been letting me stay with him. He's really kind and fun to be around, but he worries a lot. He should learn to be more confident."


Winter  [aquitances]

" I suppose she's ok, but she's loud and asks too many questions. She's nice enough, but she should mind her own business.She seems a little weirdly concerned with proving herself too."


Pine  [ aquitances/kind of friends]

" He's fun, smart and I like his energy. He takes things too far sometimes though."

HTML by Eggy