Ignacio Keegan



3 years, 11 months ago


Custom Nyanarr created by sasori on (to come)
O-Nyanarr 407

Ignacio (meaning fire)
Keegan (Son of fire)

Age: 32

Nickname(s)Igi, Keeg
Race/SpeciesNyanarr (CS)

Custom Nyanarr created by sasori on (to come)


Total of 5 children in the Keegan Family.

The big brother of Fran https://toyhou.se/8356892.franziska-keegan and as his sister, a part rebellious rulebreakter

-Keeps a proper posture when guests arrive in his shop
-Loves reading
-Extrem high knowledge on various subjects to keep his high ground and shows it (doesn´t hide as he hates playing games)
-master strategist and planer (a big advantage for a smith)
-makes all sorts of items, juwelery, tools or weapons with precision and excellence (Pride)
-only makes gifts to those he see´s deserve it
-speaks very high (big words and smart) and has a soft paced tone in his voice
-doesn´t get stressed easily and can keep his cool in chaotic situations.
-keep´s all tradition and rarely uses tech (only if needed) and hates to admit   how to use a computer,, keeps a cellphone to keep in touch with  family.
-swings both ways (and has 2 exes, male and female as it never worked out)
-analytical and precise
-tells the truth direct and doesn´t hide it
-Responsible big brother and stern if needed. Treasures his family (even if half of them are a chaos and disgrace)
-cherishes his smithing time and tends to be a workaholic
-can drink a descent amount on Alcohol but not too much as after a certain   amount he get´s full on drunk and emotional blabbering. After a few  more  even daring.

-is afraid of heights(!( noone besides his sis and brothers know of this and he get s heckn stiff n scared if he is too high for his own comfort

Occasionaly get´s visit from a certain earth nyanarr who brings him weapons to repair and in a lot of chit chat with him saying "Is this the best way of wasting air and words while chitchatting nonsense?"

Scent: smell like freshly brewed coffee and cheesecake at times with a hint of iron (due to hobby)


The Keegan family is well known and as one of the children, Ignacio (who really hates his name to a brim) has a fire passion. And like his sister Fran, decides to pull the ropes in his own way. Confronting the parents on rights and laws (as he was really young read a ton) and stating the situation) getting his sis and him the freedom of choice. While he uses his pocket money and savings and part time jobs (works in café to open his own shop soon) while helping where he can. His parents don´t give him much as they secretley don´t want him to own a shop in fear of disgrace and shaming  the name Keegan. (this later proves a big thing as he get s pretty well known through his shop and mad talent)
From story start works in a café under a different name.
Way later has his own Shop Smithy and forge near mountains 

 (Tsumi) Tashiro-https://toyhou.se/8692165.tashiro
(Fuuni) Rubin: https://toyhou.se/8697727.rubin


Past Love and present Love

Had his girlfriend Tabitha https://toyhou.se/8617036.tabitha-sage as he was in his "wilder times" and got badly burnt as she betrayed him with his former best friend. Not only stealing his old designs and ideas, but also manipulative as well. Ignacio didn´t forgive her or his former best friend (who knew of this and let it happen saying that it was fate) with the two gone, Ignacio shut himself fully and only trusted those he knew very well to trust his life upon
all changed of course later as Xavier: https://toyhou.se/7342122.-xavi and Marley https://toyhou.se/8741805.marley-t-kingley came into his life and meant more to him than the two would think.
